
Jayfon was a captain within the Galactic Republic's Senate Guard, identified as male. In the Clone Wars era, bounty hunter Cad Bane and his mercenaries caused the deaths of Jayfon and his Senate Commandos during the Senate hostage crisis.


By the year 21 BBY, Jayfon had risen to the rank of Captain and was a member of the Senate Commandos, which was a part of the Senate Guard of the Galactic Republic. In that same year, Cad Bane and his team of Bounty Hunters infiltrated the Senate Building on Coruscant. Their objective was to kidnap the Republic Senators and use them as leverage to secure the release of Ziro the Hutt from the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. As the bounty hunters approached the building, Captain Jayfon led a group of Senate Commandos to challenge them.


Captain Jayfon's armor was the standard Senate Commando armor, but it had unique white markings that extended from his helmet all the way down to his feet. His helmet shared a similar design to that of Faro Argyus, but it had a different visor.

