Jedi — The Dark Side 5

Jedi — The Dark Side #5 serves as the concluding chapter of the Star Wars: Jedi — The Dark Side comic book miniseries. The story unfolds in 53 BBY, chronicling the journey of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn alongside his Padawan Xanatos as they endeavor to quell an impending civil war on Telos IV, Xanatos's birthplace. Its release date was September 21, 2011.

Publisher's summary

Telos IV is engulfed in civil war. As the governor mobilizes his forces, Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn is in a frantic search to understand the cause of the planet's turmoil, hoping to bring the conflict to an end...

However, Qui-Gon's troubled Padawan is not helping matters: his return to Telos has been anything but pleasant, with recent events, including the tragic loss of a family member, intensifying his growing rage. But this time, Qui-Gon himself is the target!


The issue opens with Crion, the Telosian governor, grieving over the death of his daughter, Nason, as Xanatos offers his condolences. Crion dismisses these expressions of sympathy, instead characterizing Nason's death as a sacrifice. Crion then successfully wins Xanatos over to his cause, revealing the entirety of his master plan to him.

Concurrently, Minister Hukowl An Devi receives a visit from Dairoki, a former Jedi and Crion's operative. Dairoki expresses his concerns about Crion, fearing that his grief is clouding his judgment, and inadvertently discloses to An Devi their shared responsibility in instigating the Telosian Civil War. An Devi, previously ignorant of the plot, attacks Dairoki, who defends himself and subsequently flees the planet.

As the Civil War intensifies, with Crion and Xanatos watching from their palace, Qui-Gon Jinn is preparing to approach his errant apprentice to offer an apology before arranging transport off-world for himself and Orykan Tamarik. Before he gets the chance, An Devi approaches him. While Qui-Gon sets out to confront Crion, An Devi publicly condemns Crion, exposing his scheme to blame the activities of Telosian rebels on the neighboring Toprawa system, in order to incite nationalist fervor among the Telosian people.

Qui-Gon discovers Crion and his guards ready for a fight, and the situation quickly turns violent. While defending himself against the guards, Qui-Gon proposes to take him off-world to protect him, an offer Crion vehemently rejects. Orykan then intervenes, despite Qui-Gon's earlier instruction to stay back, although Crion swiftly disarms her and declares his intention to kill her and then Qui-Gon. In response, Qui-Gon attacks Crion, destroying his sword. As Crion tumbles into the fireplace, Qui-Gon lunges at him, impaling the Governor.

Consumed by rage, Xanatos attacks Qui-Gon, knocking the latter's lightsaber into the fireplace, where it is destroyed. Xanatos begins to rant, claiming that his actions have proven his growth as a Jedi; he has forgiven his father for abandoning him, and claims he is confronting his greatest weakness, his selfishness. Succumbing entirely to the Dark side of the Force, Xanatos attacks Qui-Gon, who defends himself with Orykan's lightsaber before kicking his wayward apprentice away. Continuing his tirade, Xanatos grabs his father's hand and uses Crion's ring, now glowing red-hot, to brand his family crest onto his cheek. Before the duel can continue, rioters storm the palace, and Xanatos disappears into the crowd.

Qui-Gon communicates with the Jedi Council via holocomm, reporting that the Civil War has ended and that he was responsible for Crion's death. Furthermore, he reveals that An Devi has become the new governor, and that he has arranged transport for Orykan back to Coruscant, while Qui-Gon has departed alone. While the Jedi promise to have a Kaiburr crystal ready so Qui-Gon can create a new lightsaber, they inquire about his current location and the whereabouts of Xanatos. Qui-Gon claims that Xanatos perished in the fighting, and that he has no plans to return to the Jedi Temple anytime soon.

