The Fight for Truth, penned by Jude Watson, represents the ninth installment in the Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice series of novels aimed at young readers. Every book in this series comes from the creative mind of Jude Watson, with a single exception: the debut novel, The Rising Force, which was authored by Dave Wolverton. The series delves into the adventures experienced by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi leading up to the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.
- ISBN 0590520806 ; Released in August 2000 by Scholastic , a 138-page paperback edition.
- ISBN 0613251628 ; Published in September 2000 by Sagebrush Corporation , a binding specifically for school/library use.
- ISBN 0606196218 ; Released in October 2000 by Demco Media , in Turtleback format.
The vast majority of individuals residing on the planet Kegan desire minimal interaction with the broader galaxy. However, the discovery of a young individual with Jedi potential necessitates a visit from Qui-Gon Jinn, Adi Gallia, and their respective apprentices, Obi-Wan and Siri, to this remarkably secluded world.
Their arrival is met with anything but a warm reception. Instead, Qui-Gon and Adi find themselves entangled in a complex web of deceit, while Obi-Wan and Siri are confined within a school that dictates thought, prohibits dissent, and imposes permanent detention.
On this world, the Jedi are compelled to wage a battle for truth…even when it is unwelcome.
Within a training facility at the Jedi Temple, Padawans Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi engage in a training exercise, overseen by their respective Masters, Qui-Gon Jinn and Adi Gallia. The exercise requires the two young apprentices to collaborate in the destruction of several seeker droids, harmonizing their individual combat styles through the Force to compensate for each other's weaknesses and operate as a unified force. However, Tachi focuses solely on destroying the droids, and Kenobi, in an attempt to connect with her focus, inadvertently collides with her. Gallia instructs both Padawans to retreat to opposite corners of the room and begin anew, leading Kenobi to abandon his efforts to work alongside Tachi. Moments later, they succeed in eliminating all the droids, but Jinn informs them that they have both failed, as their actions were independent rather than collaborative. Subsequently, Grand Master Yoda enters the room, presenting them with a mission: both Padawans and their Masters are tasked with traveling to the distant Outer Rim planet of Kegan, following contact from parents who believe their daughter may possess Force-sensitive abilities. Yoda emphasizes Kegan's complete isolation from the rest of the galaxy for three decades and requests that the four Jedi initiate diplomatic relations between Kegan and the Galactic Republic.
Upon the arrival of the four Jedi on Kegan, Kenobi contemplates the reason for sending two Master–Padawan teams on what appears to be a straightforward mission. The Padawan entertains the notion that the Jedi Council may still be monitoring him due to his brief departure from the Jedi Order some months prior, despite his reinstatement and the lifting of his probation. Concurrently, Tachi, who is two years younger than Kenobi and possesses less experience, observes the landing platform outside the ship. Kenobi attempts to offer her guidance, but she dismisses him, alluding to his temporary abandonment of the Order. Soon after, the ship lands, and the Jedi disembark. They are immediately greeted by Hospitality Guides O-Rina and V-Haad, along with the parents who contacted the Jedi, V-Nen and O-Melie. The Guides escort the group to the parents' residence to meet the child, providing explanations of Kegan's way of life during the journey. Upon arrival, the Jedi express their desire to speak with the parents in private, but the Guides politely decline, stating that V-Nen and O-Melie are anxious and have requested their presence. Jinn points out that there is no cause for anxiety, but the parents affirm their wish for the Guides to remain. V-Haad and O-Rina assure the Jedi that their presence is acceptable, but Kenobi senses that something is amiss and that the Guides, despite their smiles, were not keen on the Jedi's arrival.
Jinn also detects this unease but, along with Gallia, agrees to allow the Hospitality Guides to stay, and the group enters the house. V-Nen and O-Melie introduce their daughter, O-Lana, to Jinn, who examines her for a few moments. Jinn and Gallia both confirm that she is indeed Force-sensitive, and Jinn returns the child—who is also hungry—to be fed by the child caregiver for the housing quad, O-Yani. The Jedi Masters attempt to elucidate to the parents the ways in which a Force-sensitive child may differ from a typical child and the benefits of entrusting O-Lana to the Jedi Order for training, but the Guides consistently interrupt, asserting the advantages of keeping her on Kegan without truly listening to the Jedi or allowing the parents an opportunity to speak. Ultimately, the Guides conclude the meeting, informing the Jedi that they will escort them to their accommodations. Jinn, however, requests that they walk instead, and the Guides reluctantly concede. Jinn quietly instructs Kenobi and Tachi to discreetly separate from the group during the walk and gather information about the planet, then turns to Gallia to gauge her reaction. While waiting, Jinn also ponders the rationale behind sending two teams on the mission and considers various possibilities, including the notion that Gallia may be intended to monitor his tendency to circumvent the rules. Shortly thereafter, Gallia approves the plan.
As the group (including V-Nen and O-Melie) proceeds through the city, Jinn inquires as to why Kegan has maintained its isolation for so long. The Guides respond by claiming that the galaxy poses dangers and that the exchange of knowledge, goods, and travel to other planets would compromise the "General Good," a Kegan principle centered on the welfare of their community. While traversing the marketplace, Jinn creates a distraction by "accidentally" colliding with a rack of tools, causing it to topple. While assisting in the retrieval of the tools, the two Padawans slip away unnoticed. Their absence is soon noted by the Hospitality Guides, who instruct Gallia and Jinn to await their return in the market with V-Nen and O-Melie while they search for Kenobi and Tachi. Following the departure of the Guides, Jinn attempts to initiate a conversation with the parents, but O-Melie bluntly informs him that they erred in contacting the Order and that the Jedi should depart. Sensing the parents' fear, Jinn suggests that they return to their house and reexamine O-Lana; the parents agree when he assures them that the Jedi would assume full responsibility for disregarding the Guides' instructions. Taking a circuitous route to avoid the Guides, the four soon arrive back at the parent's house and are greeted by O-Yani. O-Melie asks her about O-Lana's whereabouts, and O-Yani replies, "They took her away."
In the meantime, the Padawans depart the marketplace and head towards the Garden Circle to evade detection. Tachi expresses her frustration at not being able to observe the Masters and learn from them. When Kenobi attempts to console her with Jedi wisdom, Tachi dismisses him, reminding him that she attended the same classes at the Temple. Kenobi suggests that they locate the Tech Circle to commence their investigation of Kegan society, but Tachi proposes that they integrate with the population and gather information through conversations with people, emphasizing their ability to blend in due to their similar attire. At that moment, a landspeeder approaches them, and a Truant Guide inquires as to why they are not in school. Employing a bluff, Tachi informs him that their parents required their assistance at home that day, and the Guide initially appears satisfied. However, as the two Padawans move on, the Guide strikes first Kenobi, then Tachi, with an electro-jabber, causing them to fall to the ground. The Guide throws them onto the landspeeder's floor and drives off.