Jedi Reconnaissance Armor

Jedi Reconnaissance Armor was a specialized variant of Jedi Commander armor. This armor was a modified version of standard clone trooper armor and was utilized by Jedi Generals within the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Clone Wars. The price of this armor was 4,000 credits.

Amidst the turmoil of the war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, many clone troopers worried that even highly skilled Jedi Masters could be overwhelmed and killed by the overwhelming amount of blaster fire present on the battlefield. To ease these concerns, certain Jedi opted to wear lighter armor. This armor provided a degree of protection against blaster bolts while still allowing them considerable freedom of movement during combat or when traveling.

Behind the scenes

The Star Wars Roleplaying series featured the Jedi Reconnaissance Armor in Collapse of the Republic. This roleplaying sourcebook was released by Fantasy Flight Games in 2019.


  • Collapse of the Republic (First mentioned)

Notes and references
