
Jiandy's origins trace back to being a male individual of the Nautolan species. Clariah, his mother, maintained a long-standing friendship with Lando Calrissian. During his formative years, Jiandy harbored aspirations of establishing a vast criminal network, a notion that met with his mother's disapproval. Ultimately, Jiandy's path led him to enlist as a member of the Rebel Alliance.

Life Story

In Jiandy's youth, his mother, Clariah, orchestrated a visit to Cloud City to see her longtime friend, Lando Calrissian. Clariah engaged in a conversation with Lando, expressing her urgent need for his intervention regarding Jiandy's recent conduct. She described his truancy from school, his association with questionable individuals, and his expressed ambition to one day preside over a criminal empire akin to that of Jabba Desilijic Tiure. While Clariah and Lando conferred, Jiandy ventured off to participate in a card game taking place elsewhere in the room. He feigned inexperience while strategically cheating to secure a victory, subsequently manipulating his opponents into a conflict to facilitate his escape. Witnessing this, his mother was appalled, but Lando was sufficiently impressed to offer his assistance in persuading Jiandy to reconsider his path.

As Lando escorted Jiandy onto the streets of Cloud City, Jiandy questioned Lando about his decision to abandon his criminal pursuits, but found Lando's explanation that it was too burdensome unconvincing. Rounding a corner, they encountered a man being menaced by gangsters in a secluded alleyway. The gangsters' leader, Askroh, sported a brooch that immediately captivated Jiandy's attention. Disregarding Lando's cautions, Jiandy stealthily approached Askroh and pilfered the brooch from his attire. Initially, the theft appeared to have been executed flawlessly, but as he rejoined Lando, he discovered the gangsters directly behind him, blasters drawn.

Jiandy, accompanied by Lando, commandeered a speeder bike in an attempt to flee. While Lando attempted to provide navigational guidance, the Nautolan enthusiastically outlined his vision for a joint criminal enterprise with Lando. Jiandy was forced to execute a swift maneuver to evade a gangster's direct collision course, resulting in their entrapment at the edge of a platform. Askroh declared that he would grant them passage if they returned his brooch, but Jiandy adamantly maintained that it was a misunderstanding, and a search by the other gangsters yielded nothing.

However, as Askroh threatened to hurl them off the platform, Lando admitted that Jiandy had concealed the brooch in a concealed compartment on his belt. Jiandy protested that gangsters did not betray their "family" members in such a manner, but Lando countered that treachery was inherent to the outlaw lifestyle. As he teetered on the brink of being cast off the edge, Jiandy pleaded for forgiveness, vowing to abandon his aspirations of becoming a gangster. Askroh consented to release him, contingent upon his adherence to his promise. Upon his release, Jiandy unleashed a torrent of curses at Lando in Huttese before fleeing.

Several years later, Jiandy became a member of the Rebel Alliance.

Distinguishing Features and Temperament

Jiandy was a male being of the [Nautolan](/article/nautolan] species, characterized by blue skin and prominent black eyes. Darker blue bands adorned the tendrils on his head, complemented by orange circles encircling his eyes. He possessed a profound yearning for familial connection and a sense of belonging.

