This diminutive Hutt met an untimely end as the offspring of Jiliac Desilijic Tiron, who reigned as the head of the Desilijic clan in the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Having emerged into the galaxy around 2 BBY, this young Huttling spent its brief existence within the confines of Jiliac's Winter Palace on Nal Hutta, typically nestled safely within its mother's pouch, only venturing out for brief hours at a time. Jiliac prioritized her parental duties over managing the Desilijic criminal empire, much to the annoyance of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, her nephew and trusted second-in-command.
In 0 BBY, Durga Besadii Tai, the chieftain of a rival clan, paid a visit to the Winter Palace and invoked the Old Law, compelling Jiliac to engage in a deadly, personal confrontation with Durga. Despite carrying her infant in her pouch, Jiliac battled Durga, but ultimately perished, with the child trapped beneath her massive form. The young Hutt eventually managed to escape, only to be crushed to death by Jabba, who sought to eliminate any potential challenges to his inherited leadership of the clan.
Around 3 BBY, Jiliac Desilijic Tiron resolved to become pregnant for the first time, insisting on being addressed as a female, diverging from Jiliac's usual preference for male pronouns. Jiliac held the position of leader within the Desilijic clan and its associated criminal empire, however, following her pregnancy, her nephew Jabba Desilijic Tiure assumed responsibility for much of the clan's daily operations. Jiliac's pregnancy resulted in a more substantial physique, with her overall size increasing by more than a third.
After a gestation period lasting a year, Jiliac gave birth to her first offspring on Nal Hutta. During its initial years, the juvenile Hutt possessed limited cognitive capabilities and remained largely immobile. Jiliac's newborn spent the majority of its time within its mother's pouch, only emerging for brief intervals that gradually extended as the Huttlet matured. Jiliac refrained from immediately bestowing a name upon her child, but consistently referred to it using male pronouns; conversely, others simply referred to it as "it," recognizing that the newborn was too young to determine its own gender preference. Jiliac held her child in high regard, lavishing it with undivided attention and affection whenever it emerged from her pouch. Concerned about potential kidnapping attempts, Jiliac dismissed the majority of her subordinates from her Winter Palace residence on Nal Hutta, retaining only her most trusted allies. She also maintained her female gender identity; Jiliac found joy in motherhood, despite the numerous challenges it presented.
Given that Jiliac's child derived all of its sustenance from its mother, it consumed a significant portion of her time, thereby hindering her ability to effectively manage the Desilijic clan as she had previously. Jiliac increasingly delegated responsibilities to Jabba, her second-in-command, ultimately leading to his de facto leadership of Desilijic. Even when not directly tending to her child, Jiliac exhibited a diminished interest in business matters, a behavioral shift that Jabba attributed to hormonal influences. Jabba believed his aunt was ensnared in a "maternal fog" that prevented her from considering anything beyond her newborn child. The burden of overseeing the clan, coupled with his general aversion to dependent Huttlets, fueled Jabba's growing animosity towards Jiliac's offspring.
As the months passed, the Huttlet began to spend increasing amounts of time outside of Jiliac's pouch, although its first-time mother remained ever vigilant. Jabba urged Jiliac to relocate to Nal Hutta's moon, Nar Shaddaa, but Jiliac declined, citing the detrimental effects that Nar Shaddaa's polluted atmosphere would have on her child's health. She also resisted Jabba's suggestions to place the child in a communal nursery, where it would be cared for by surrogate pouch-mothers. Jiliac briefly emerged from her "maternal fog" during a conversation with Jabba regarding potential alliances with Black Sun, but the discussion was interrupted by Jiliac's young child, further intensifying Jabba's hatred for it.
In 0 BBY, Durga Besadii Tai, the leader of the rival Besadii clan, arrived at the Winter Palace and challenged Jiliac to a personal, life-or-death confrontation according to the stipulations of the Old Law, stemming from Jiliac's poisoning of Durga's father, Aruk Besadii Aora. With her offspring safely nestled in its pouch, Jiliac accepted the challenge, and the two Hutts engaged in combat until Durga ultimately prevailed, bludgeoning Jiliac to death with his tail. The infant Hutt was trapped beneath the weight of its deceased mother, eventually emerging several minutes later to confront Jabba. Jabba, confident in his impending ascension to the Desilijic leadership, nonetheless resolved to eliminate the potential threat posed by Jiliac's child, driven by both hatred and a desire to eliminate any remaining loose ends. He rolled over his defenseless cousin, crushing it to death.
Jiliac's child perished before reaching adulthood, thereby exerting minimal direct influence on the Desilijic clan. However, Jiliac's maternal preoccupation with business affairs resulted in financial setbacks for her clan, and her decision to dismiss the majority of the Winter Palace's staff rendered her vulnerable to attacks such as Durga's. Jabba's resentment of Jiliac's relationship with her child also turned him against his aunt, leading him to prevent Jiliac's guards from intervening during her altercation with Durga. Had it survived, Jiliac's child could have one day asserted its claim to the clan's leadership.
Huttlets were entirely reliant on their parent for the initial years of their existence, possessing only rudimentary cognitive abilities. Jiliac's child was killed before it could develop any distinct personality traits, but the two individuals with whom it had the most contact, Jabba and Jiliac, held diametrically opposed views of it. Jiliac, as the Huttlet's mother, adored the infant and was fiercely protective of it. She refused to expose the child to the pollution of Nar Shaddaa, or to place it in a communal nursery, and insisted that only those she trusted implicitly were permitted near the child. Jabba, conversely, regarded the child and its mother's sentimental attachment to it as a detriment to the Desilijic clan, and harbored deep animosity towards his cousin.
The infant resembled a larval form of a Hutt, possessing only rudimentary stubs as arms. It was capable of limited movement and enjoyed being rocked by Jiliac's tail; however, this frequently resulted in the child regurgitating its food.
Jiliac's pregnancy and unborn child were first introduced in The Hutt Gambit (1997) by A. C. Crispin, the second book of The Han Solo Trilogy. One year later, Jiliac's newborn appeared in Rebel Dawn, the final novel in Crispin's trilogy. Its death, implied in Rebel Dawn, was explicitly confirmed in Jabba the Hutt's entry in Daniel Wallace's The New Essential Guide to Characters (2002). The Huttling also received a brief mention in Cory J. Herndon's Hutt! Hutt! Hutt! article on in 2003.