Jiruusi fruit

Jiruusi, a name shared with the planet Jiruusi, was also the designation for a specific kind of fruit. Following the attack that forced their EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, the Hellion's Dare, to escape above Jiruusi and head towards the Oridol Cluster, Wyl Lark, a human, together with Chass na Chadic, a Theelin, and Sata Neek, an Ishi Tib, were in the frigate's recreational area, where they engaged in a playful activity of slicing and tossing Jiruusi fruit. Chadic's amusement was evident when juice ran down her chin after Neek successfully caught a piece of the fruit in his beak.

Behind the scenes

The 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron by Alexander Freed marked the initial appearance of Jiruusi fruit.

