Jol Bengim

Jol Bengim was a Chevin male who, at one point in his life, had an encounter with enslavers and the harsh realities of slave labor camps on the world of Vinsoth. Later, he established residence in the desert settlement of Reestkii, situated on the planet Jakku. Sometime following the significant Battle of Endor, Reestkii was invaded by Zygerrian slavers. These slavers captured Bengim along with the other inhabitants, confining them within the town hall. As the captured residents of the settlement awaited news of their impending fate, Bengim, along with some others, started voicing their despair and conviction that they were doomed. In an attempt to soothe the anxieties of the children present, Bobbajo, a Nu-Cosian pet vendor, began to narrate a tale. This story recounted his supposed escape, alongside his animal companions, from the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin. Midway through Bobbajo's narration, Bengim interrupted, challenging the story's veracity. This interruption, however, broke the children's focus on the story, reminding them of the slavers, and causing distress to the Ongree child named Adlee. Bobbajo swiftly resumed his story, only for Bengim to interrupt once more. This time, Bengim expressed outrage at a scene in the tale where a [stormtrooper](/article/stormtrooper] dropped the slitherette character named Mideyean into a garbage compactor. Upon the conclusion of Bobbajo's story, Bengim, along with the other adults, approached him, offering compliments on his storytelling abilities, but simultaneously demanding confirmation of the story's truthfulness. Bobbajo confessed that it was merely a fabrication. Subsequently, he opened the doors of the town hall, revealing that the slavers had been overcome by an unidentified force, thereby allowing the citizens of Reestkii to reclaim their hidden riches.

Behind the scenes

Jol Bengim's initial appearance occurred in the short story titled "All Creatures Great and Small." This story was authored by Landry Q. Walker and made available as an eBook.

