Jonas Stern

Jonas Stern, a male humanoid, held the titles of baron, senator, and ambassador within the New Republic during the years that followed the Battle of Endor. While undertaking a diplomatic mission to Sluis Van, Stern met his end; he was murdered by a Defel operative working for Slui-Koronar. This act was intended to curry favor with Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn. However, upon discovering Koronar's involvement in the assassination, Thrawn ordered the Sluissi's execution and strategically exploited the situation to his advantage during negotiations with Stern's replacement.


Mission to Sluis Van

Following the collapse of the Galactic Empire subsequent to the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Jonas Stern, a Baron, ascended to the position of senator within the newly formed New Republic. In 6 ABY, the New Republic initiated a series of diplomatic endeavors aimed at persuading various worlds to align with their cause. Stern, then in his seventies, spearheaded one such mission to Sluis Van, serving as a special envoy representing Chief of State Mon Mothma of the New Republic.

Historically, the Sluis Van Shipyards had been a significant provider of starships to the Empire. However, growing concerns among the Sluissi population regarding the Empire led the Sluissi Council to maintain neutrality in the ongoing Galactic Civil War. Stern's delegation, which included the Bothan Borsk Fey'lya and several aides, was warmly received and provided with a spacious residence in an upscale neighborhood for the duration of their stay.

The situation was further complicated by the arrival of an Imperial delegation led by Grand Admiral Thrawn, who had temporarily returned from an extended assignment in the Unknown Regions. Thrawn was acutely aware that the Sluissi would ultimately side with the New Republic and intended to seize a recently finished Star Destroyer from the shipyards. He also planned to survey the system for future strategic purposes. However, Stern remained unaware of Thrawn's true motives, perceiving the Imperials merely as competitors vying for control of the system.


Negotiations commenced swiftly, and despite some contentious Council meetings and minor skirmishes between members of the Imperial and Republic delegations, progress was generally smooth until the night the New Republic delegation was scheduled to host a reception for 800 guests at their residence. Stern delegated much of the preparatory work to his aides, who were tasked with arranging catering, music, and security for the event.

Several hours before the reception was due to begin, Stern met with Mara Jade, formerly an Emperor's Hand, who was operating as an art dealer under the alias Celina Marniss for Talon Karrde. From her, he acquired several valuable artworks, including a Rodian statuette. The ambassador's sculpture collection was displayed for the reception, with the Rodian statuette prominently featured.

Thrawn admires Stern's Rodian statuette.

The reception commenced without issue, fostering a cordial atmosphere despite the presence of dignitaries from both sides of the galactic conflict, along with the entire Sluissi Council. Stern's art collection, particularly the Rodian statuette, captured the attention of the visiting Imperial commander. Thrawn inquired about purchasing the statuette, but the senator declined to part with his new acquisition. Instead, he offered to provide Thrawn with contact information for Celina Marniss. Thrawn did not press the issue, and the reception continued late into the night without incident.

However, Slui-Koronar of the pro-Imperial United Party overheard the conversation between the Republic and Imperial dignitaries. The Sluissi saw an opportunity to undermine the New Republic negotiations and gain favor with the Grand Admiral. Later that night, a Defel assassin, hired by Slui-Koronar, infiltrated Stern's residence and murdered him in his sleep before stealing the statuette as a gift for Thrawn.


The following morning, Stern's body was discovered. Upon learning of the ambassador's demise, Mon Mothma instructed Fey'lya to assume control of the negotiations until Dogh Staya could be dispatched to replace Stern. Inquiries regarding the baron's whereabouts were to be met with the explanation that he was merely unwell, while the New Republic conducted an investigation.

However, news of Stern's death eventually reached Thrawn, who launched his own investigation. Thrawn uncovered Koronar's involvement in the murder before the New Republic. The Grand Admiral had the Sluissi politician assassinated, creating a false holographic recording of the latter murder to implicate Republic personnel, and depositing 15,000 credits into Stern's account, ostensibly from Koronar.

Upon Staya's arrival, Thrawn leveraged his "evidence" to persuade the New Republic to allow him to take possession of the Star Destroyer in exchange for withdrawing from the negotiations with the Sluissi. Stern's death was officially attributed to a particularly virulent strain of flu, with all parties involved in the negotiations offering tributes to the baron.

Personality and traits

Stern was a refined man who held poetry and sculpture in equal regard to his diplomatic duties. Over time, he amassed a valuable collection of sculptures that became so integral to him that he never traveled without them. Despite his outwardly amiable demeanor, his short fuse became evident when his instructions were not meticulously followed.


During the reception on Sluis Van, Stern was attired in a jacket, pants, boots, and a cape.

Behind the scenes

Philippe Rat conceived Jonas Stern, and his sole appearance is in the ambiguously canon roleplaying scenario "« Statue » quo à Sluis Van," featured in issue 89 of the French gaming magazine Casus Belli, published in October/November of 1995. Casus Belli 89 included a single illustration of the character, created by artist Rolland Barthélémy.

The article featuring Stern is set two years after the Battle of Endor, placing his death in 6 ABY. This timeline coincides with the reign of Emperor Trioculus, which The New Essential Chronology places a year earlier, in 5 ABY. The scenario also depicts Mara Jade collaborating with Talon Karrde, but their initial encounter in the short story First Contact occurred in 8 ABY. Fey'lya's role as a member of Stern's delegation contradicts his established position as an influential figure in the New Republic Provisional Council, as detailed in The Thrawn Trilogy.

