Jos Vondar

A Corellian male Human named Jos Vondar was a surgeon who hailed from Corellia. He was in the service of the Galactic Republic and held the position of chief medical officer for Republic Mobile Surgical Unit 7 during the Clone Wars conflict.


While serving with RMSU-7, which was stationed on Drongar, he developed a strong bond with Zabrak surgeon Zan Yant, who was his roommate. He also became friends with Sullustan reporter Den Dhur, protocol droid I-5YQ, Padawan Barriss Offee, and Kornell 'Uli' Divini who became his roommate after Zan Yant's passing. However, the most significant relationship he cultivated on Drongar was with Lorrdian nurse Tolk le Trene, with whom he fell deeply in love. His choice to love and marry someone outside of Corellian culture, an ekster, brought dishonor upon him in the eyes of his people.

Jos with patient Sar Omant.

When enemy forces opened fire on RMSU-7, Jos was involved in the unit's evacuation and subsequent relocation. During this event, Zan tragically died as a result of a shrapnel explosion.

Within a week of the Rimsoo being re-established, Jos was compelled to perform surgery on Separatist mercenary Sar Omant. Omant was the one responsible for Zan's death, and Jos resisted the urge to murder the Zabrak prisoner.

As the battles on Drongar reached their climax, Vondar distinguished himself as a hero. He eliminated a spy named Klo Merit who had infiltrated their Rimsoo. Merit was secretly working for both the Separatists and the criminal syndicate known as Black Sun. He also received unexpected support from his uncle, who wished for him to return to Corellia with Tolk, to assist them in building a relationship that defied family tradition.

Behind the scenes

Vondar plays Sabacc on Drongar.

Authors Michael Reaves and Steve Perry conceived Jos Vondar as the central character in the Medstar Duology of novels, Battle Surgeons and Jedi Healer, published in 2004. The duology was conceived as the Star Wars universe's version of the MAS*H film and television series. Reaves and Perry were pitched the concept as "MAS*H in space." Being avid fans of both the film and TV series, they found the concept of doctors during wartime compelling. Perry also had a medical background. They endeavored to create realistic characters with personal challenges to overcome. Daniel Wallace, another Star Wars author, has compared Jos Vondar to Hawkeye Pierce, the protagonist of the MAS*H franchise. In a review of Battle Surgeons on, Mike Cooper noted that he couldn't read Vondar's lines without hearing the voice of Alan Alda, who played Hawkeye in the MAS*H TV series.

Throughout the latter portion of Jedi Healer, Vondar's surname is consistently misspelled as "Vandar" in almost every instance, until the epilogue, where it is correctly spelled once more.

