Kornell Divini

Officer Kornell "Uli" Divini, a Human male originating from Tatooine, practiced as a surgeon. The esteemed Elana Divini, a specialist in mudopterist studies, was his mother.


The Clone Wars

Elana Divini, who worked with mudopterists, gave birth to Kornell Divini on Tatooine in the year 39 BBY. During his childhood, he became known as Uli, which is a Tusken term that translates to "kid." Divini departed from his home planet to pursue education at Coruscant Medical, where he achieved high marks, leading him to an internship at Galactic Polysapient Medical Center located on Alderaan. As the Clone Wars raged on, he was conscripted and placed within Republic Mobile Surgical Unit 7 on Drongar, taking the place of Zabrak surgeon Zan Yant. While stationed there, he shared living quarters with Jos Vondar, a Corellian surgeon and close friend of Yant's. He also formed friendships with Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee, Sullustan journalist Den Dhur, and Lorrdian nurse Tolk le Trene. He developed romantic feelings for Offee and was devastated by the news of her death on Felucia during Order 66. Due to Offee's influence, he rejected the propaganda that portrayed the Jedi as traitors.

Imperial era

Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, Divini grew weary of military life and desired to return home once his mandatory service was complete. However, the Imperial Military Stop Loss Order compelled Divini to remain in service to the Empire indefinitely, which instilled in him a deep-seated resentment for the new government. He attained the rank of captain within the Imperial Surgical Corps. Around 3 BBY, he was reassigned to the medical frigate MedStar Four, which orbited the prison planet Despayre. There, he served under the command of Commander [Hotise] and was partnered with the secretarial droid C-4ME-O. Aboard the MedStar Four, Divini provided medical care to injured slaves, who were forced to assist in the construction of the Death Star. On one occasion, he assisted in performing a liver transplant on a Wookiee who had been injured in an explosion.

Later, he received another transfer, this time to the Medcenter located in Sector N-One of the Death Star. C-4ME-O accompanied him to his new post. While serving on the Death Star, his animosity towards the Empire intensified. He frequently visited the Hard Heart Cantina, where he found camaraderie with others who shared his discontent.

In 0 BBY, Divini was among the three surgeons who operated on Admiral Daala after she sustained a head injury during an attack launched by the Rebel Alliance on the Death Star. He was also tasked with tending to Princess Leia Organa's injuries following an interrogation by Darth Vader, during which she nearly persuaded him to abandon the Empire. When Vader arrived to retrieve Organa, Divini inadvertently made a sarcastic remark about Organa's condition, causing her to laugh. Vader rebuked him but decided not to waste time dealing with Divini as he escorted Organa away.

The group of defectors escapes the Death Star destruction.

Subsequently, Sergeant Nova Stihl, a Death Star trooper, approached him with complaints of persistent nightmares. Divini eventually determined that Stihl possessed Force-sensitive abilities. He reconvened with Stihl in the cantina, along with several others. This group, consisting of cantina owner Memah Roothes, her bouncer Rodo, stowaway Celot Ratua Dil, architect Teela Kaarz, TIE pilot Villian Dance, and librarian Atour Riten, conspired to escape the Death Star by disguising themselves as medics and commandeering a medical shuttle.

Their plan was initiated when the Death Star entered the Yavin system with the intention of obliterating the Rebel Alliance's base on Yavin 4. The Rebels launched starfighters to destroy the battle station, utilizing information derived from previously acquired schematics, which provided the group with the necessary diversion. However, shortly after their plan commenced, Divini was apprehended for conducting research on midi-chlorians, an activity he had undertaken weeks prior in an attempt to assist Stihl. As he was being escorted away, Rebel pilots destroyed a deflection tower above him, triggering explosions in the surrounding walls and enabling Divini to break free. He reunited with the group, who successfully boarded the shuttle and launched from the hangar, although Riten, Stihl, and Rodo were compelled to remain behind to ensure the shuttle's successful departure.

As they fled the Death Star, they were pursued by Vader, who identified them as deserters. Despite Vader's attempts to shoot them down, Dance's exceptional piloting skills allowed them to evade the Sith Lord and his wingmen until they were forced to retreat and reengage in the battle against the Rebel pilots. As the shuttle continued its escape, it was briefly ensnared by a tractor beam but quickly freed itself when Rebel pilot Luke Skywalker launched proton torpedoes into a thermal exhaust port, causing the Death Star to detonate.

Despite initial hesitation, Divini, along with the rest of the group, resolved to join the Rebel Alliance as they journeyed to Yavin 4.

Personality and traits

Divini was a human with ash-blond hair. His forced servitude to the Empire had instilled in him a resolute character, yet he remained approachable and sincere. Despite this, he was a proficient sabacc player. The news of Barriss Offee's passing deeply affected him, regardless of whether his feelings for her were rooted in love or mere infatuation. He was considered a prodigy, as he was only nineteen standard years old while serving at RMSU-7.

