Jrade Plaza

Jrade Plaza, situated within the Jrade District of Galactic City on the planet of Coruscant, was a venue capable of accommodating thousands of onlookers. During the era of the Galactic Republic, it featured the Chancellery Walkway, adorned with monuments and tributes to the most impactful Supreme Chancellors.

A gala fundraiser, an exclusive event, took place at Jrade Plaza in 23 BBY. At this event, Representative [Jar Jar Binks](/article/jar_jar_binks/legends], mimicking Senator Orn Free Taa's habitual behavior, tucked a tablecloth into his cummerbund. Binks, while conversing with exaggerated movements, inadvertently dislodged a tray of canapés from a waiter's hands. In an attempt to catch the falling snacks, the representative tugged on the tablecloth, causing the destruction of a priceless and elaborate ice sculpture created by sculptor [Kime Enanrum]. The aftermath made the plaza appear as if it had been snowing for hours. This event was documented the subsequent day in the 13:2:28 edition of the HoloNet News CoCo District Edition.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of Jrade Plaza occurred in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #45, an in-universe publication of the HoloNet News. This was crafted by Pablo Hidalgo and [Paul Ens]((/article/paul_ens) and made available on the HoloNet News website in 2002.

A memorial for Finis Valorum was placed inside Jrade Plaza, which had its canonicity status affected by later sources.

Subsequently, the plaza was referenced in "Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 15:01:13," another in-universe news piece, also penned by Hidalgo, featured in the seventy-third issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine, dated December 26, 2003. This report detailed the unveiling of a memorial dedicated to the recently deceased former Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum in 21 BBY. However, Valorum's survival until 20 BBY was later depicted in "The Lost One," an episode from the sixth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which premiered on March 1, 2014. This development cast doubt on the canonicity of his reported death in the HoloNet News article within the Star Wars Legends narrative.

According to the report, the Finis Valorum Memorial's approval and planning for the Chancellery Walkway in Jrade Plaza followed Valorum's death in the terrorist attack of 14:9:19. Due to security concerns, the plaza remained closed to the public for several weeks, leading to a delay in the unveiling. The memorial's opening eventually occurred before a small audience of 200 spectators, an event covered by the HoloNet News Core Edition.

