The seventy-third edition of the Star Wars Insider magazine, Star Wars Insider 73, became available on newsstands on January 13, 2004. Subscribers to issue 73 also received the sixth installment of the Official Star Wars Fan Club newsletter, Bantha Tracks.
- " Prequel Update " (Authored by Jane Irene Kelly) — A report from Rick McCallum, the producer, regarding the progress of Episode III.
- " Return of the Jedi: Mark Hamill Comes Back to Broadway, the Big Screen and Prime Time " (Authored by Dave Gross & Jenny Scott) — An exclusive Insider interview featuring Mark Hamill, known for his role as Luke Skywalker. He discusses his involvement as a dance instructor in "Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks," his directorial role in "Comic Vook: The Movie," and his voice acting work as an animated TV host in "The Wrong Coast."
- " A State of Nelvana: Droids & Ewoks Adventure Hour Revisited " (Authored by Shane Turgeon) — Before Cartoon Network, Nelvana Studios brought Star Wars characters to life through animation. This article revisits the studio's founders and their work on the "Droids" and "Ewoks" animated series.
- " Dueling Jedi: Taking on Darth Maul in Episode I " (Authored by Ron Magid) — Explore the making of one of the most memorable lightsaber battles, where Obi-Wan Kenobi teamed up against Darth Maul, resulting in a significant loss for his partner.
- " Radio Days: Revisiting the Star Wars Radio Dramas " (Authored by Rich Handley) — Discover the NPR Star Wars radio dramas, which offer a complete rendition of the original trilogy. Voice actors share their experiences portraying iconic characters.
- " The League of Spies " (Authored by Aaron Allston) — Follow Joram Kithe and Mapper, a clone trooper, as they transition from the battlefield to espionage, uncovering the ironies of "military intelligence."
- "From the Editor's Desk"
- " Rebel Rumblings "
- " Star News " (Authored by David Fein & Insider Staff)
- " Star Sightings " (Authored by Benjamin Harper)
- " Best of Hyperspace " (Authored by Pablo Hidalgo)
- " HoloNet News " (Authored by Pablo Hidalgo) "Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 15:01:13" "CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 15:01:15 Edition"
- " Gamescape "
- " Set Piece " — Yavin 4 Rebel Base: Main Hangar (Authored by Christopher Trevas)
- " Bookshelf " — The Fastest Pen in the Galaxy? (Authored by Jason Fry)
- " Comics Link " — Battlefields (Authored by Daniel Wallace)
- " Scouting the Galaxy " (Authored by Stephen J. Sansweet)
- " Toy Box " — Mindful of the Future (Authored by Hasbro)
- " Crossword " — Keeping Score (Authored by Michael Selinker)
- " Star Wars Q&A " (Authored by Pablo Hidalgo)
- " Last Page " (Authored by Tony Moseley)
Star Wars Insider #73 archived in the Cargo Bay (Note: Original content is no longer available; backup link provided)
Star Wars Insider #73 with Bantha Tracks archived in the Cargo Bay (Note: Original content is no longer available; backup link provided)
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