Kade Genti, Master of Section Nine

Kade Genti, Master of Section Nine was an animated show starring the main character Kade Genti, a handsome male hailing from the Core Worlds planet of Coruscant. This program was broadcast on entertainment channels at some point during the youth of the Squamatan Suralinda Javos. During his time as a young First Order stormtrooper, Finn enjoyed reading comic books based on the show, which his comrade FN-1971 had secretly brought in. In 34 ABY, Finn, now a member of the Resistance, selected "Kade Genti" as an assumed name as he got ready to infiltrate a gathering taking place in Coronet City on the Core Worlds planet Corellia. Upon hearing the name, the pilot Poe Dameron chuckled at Finn's selection, prompting Javos, who was with them, to point out that it came from the cartoon and to clarify that it had been on the air when she was a child. Finn remembered his youthful experience reading the comics, stating that this was why he chose the name.

Behind the scenes

Resistance Reborn, a 2019 book penned by Rebecca Roanhorse, included a reference to Kade Genti, Master of Section Nine.

