The kalidor was a ferocious avian hunter native to Davnar II, a planet situated within the Core Worlds. This winged creature was capable of aerial movement. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance to Restore the Republic bestowed the Kalidor Crescent, a medal named after the kalidor, as its highest honor. This award showcased a detailed image of a large, golden kalidor in flight affixed to its ribbon.

Within current Star Wars canon, the kalidor received a mention in the Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook titled Lead by Example. This book was released by Fantasy Flight Games in 2016 for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game system. These birds have their origins in the Star Wars Legends continuity, having been initially created for the 1993 video game Star Wars: X-Wing. In that game, they were featured as part of the Kalidor Crescent award given to players. The Farlander Papers, a supplementary book penned by Rusel DeMaria and included with the limited edition version of the game, clarified that the bird illustrated on the medal was indeed the kalidor.