
Kason held the rank of Corporal within the New Republic's Special Forces. During the year 4 ABY, he was among a group of six SpecForce operatives chosen for a mission to the planet Akiva. The purpose of this mission was to probe the Imperial presence on Akiva and to extract pilot Wedge Antilles. Sergeant major Jom Barell commanded the squad that arrived on Akiva via a transport. They executed a suborbital drop from this transport. Kason was the initial member to exit the craft, which subsequently suffered a direct hit from Imperial turbolaser fire originating from the surface of Akiva, resulting in its destruction. Kason himself was struck by the laser and vaporised. On this last assignment, the Corporal was equipped with carbon-lace armor, along with an orbital drop mask and parawings.

Behind the scenes

Kason's initial introduction occurred in the novel titled Aftermath, authored by Chuck Wendig, and made available to the public in 2015.

