KD-121 was a scout trooper serving the Galactic Empire during the period of the Galactic Civil War. He was a Male Human.
Following the Battle of Yavin, KD-121, a scout trooper, found himself stationed at the Imperial Research and Prison Facility located on the planet Dathomir. He served alongside fellow stormtroopers GT-643 and HX-138.

In the year 1 ABY, an accident occurred at the Imperial Research and Prison Facility. The Blackwing virus, which was the subject of study there, broke free from its confinement, leading to the devastation of the majority of individuals within the vicinity and transforming them into ravenous undead creatures. The Galactic Empire responded swiftly by establishing a Quarantine Zone with the goal of containing the spread of the infection. KD-121, along with GT-643 and HX-138, were among a group of stormtroopers who seemed to possess immunity to the virus. While they survived the outbreak, they found themselves trapped within the Quarantine Zone, alongside other survivors. In an effort to defend against the constant attacks from the zombies and to seek a semblance of safety while awaiting evacuation, the stormtroopers and the other refugees established a temporary settlement known as Camp Epsilon. The other survivors included individuals such as Zsu Val, a former prisoner, Sogan Varga, a technician, Nils Cridmeen, a mechanic, and Klex Fulgor, an Inquisitor. Despite its establishment, Camp Epsilon was far from secure, as it was situated within the courtyard of the Imperial Research and Prison Facility, an area teeming with the most dangerous of the undead. However, the camp's location was strategically chosen around a Lambda-class shuttle, the last remaining starship in the area that had not been destroyed during the outbreak. Although the ship was damaged and unable to fly, Nils Cridmeen and the stormtroopers were hopeful that they could repair it, enabling the survivors to escape the Quarantine Zone.
During their time in the Quarantine Zone, a group of spacers made their way to Camp Epsilon. They offered assistance to the stormtroopers by rescuing survivors and searching for the necessary components to repair the shuttle. The spacers then departed from Camp Epsilon and ventured into the Imperial Research and Prison Facility with the objective of retrieving a sample of the Blackwing virus. The spacers were successful in their mission and eventually returned to Camp Epsilon. In the intervening period, Nils Cridmeen managed to repair the Lambda-class shuttle. Ultimately, the refugees of Camp Epsilon, along with the spacers, managed to escape the Quarantine Zone aboard the repaired shuttle.
KD-121 was a non-player character featured in the video game Star Wars Galaxies from 2003. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. KD-121 was introduced to the game with "Game Update 14," also known as the "Death Troopers" update, which was released on October 12, 2009.