Kerse was a Sith captain of the male gender, leading an elite special forces squad of Sith troopers within the Imperial army, all serving the Sith Lord known as Darth Malgus.
Throughout the Great Galactic War, Kerse and his squad participated in numerous conflicts under Malgus's direction, up to the point of the Sacking of Coruscant. He, along with Commander Jard, was considered one of Malgus's most reliable subordinates. Kerse and his troopers were tasked with protecting Eleena Daru while she was situated at an Imperial spaceport on Coruscant. When Kerse failed to maintain constant surveillance over her, Malgus angrily confronted him, almost killing him. However, Malgus held back, and Kerse and his squad then went with Malgus to the landing bay where Eleena was. As Malgus dueled with Aryn Leneer, Kerse and his squad found themselves locked out of the landing bay by Malgus himself.