Kickback was a Galactic Republic Navy pilot, specifically a clone trooper. He was designated Blue Four and belonged to Blue Squadron. He and his squadron were sent to the Battle of Ryloth with the mission of ending the blockade surrounding the planet.

Kickback, like all clone troopers in the Republic Military, was created by the Kaminoans with the single purpose of serving the Galactic Republic. In 22 BBY, he joined the other members of Blue Squadron in the Battle of Ryloth. The squadron, under the leadership of Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, attempted to break through the Separatist blockade that surrounded the planet. When Separatist reinforcements appeared in the system, Commander Tano, against the orders of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Admiral Wullf Yularen to immediately return to the Resolute, recklessly delayed the squadron's retreat. He survived this engagement, and later flew alongside his fellow survivors during Ahsoka's second assault on the blockade.
Kickback's character was developed for The Clone Wars: Season One. He appeared with other clone trooper pilots in Storm Over Ryloth, the season's 19th episode.