Koz, a human wrongdoer, conducted his illicit activities within the city of Canto Bight found on the planet Cantonica. He was deeply in debt to the criminal syndicate known as the Sixth Kin, which was under the leadership of Wen Delphis. Consequently, Delphis dispatched Ariole Yu, one of her trusted lieutenants, along with the skilled sniper, to deal with Koz. Yu and Lucky located Koz inside Club Lazuli, where Yu engaged in combat with several of Koz's bodyguards while Koz made his getaway through the rear. In pursuit, Lucky brought Koz down, and Yu issued a threat. Koz, however, remained calm; he was quickly encircled by his allies, and he cautioned Yu and Lucky that the Sixth Kin was destined for failure and that they were powerless to prevent it.