Krenher sector

The Krenher sector existed within the Core Worlds region and encompassed the Hyabb and Voon systems, along with the Hyabb-Twith Corridor hyperlane. A conflict involving the planet Hyabb and its neighbor Twith persisted for almost as long as the Galactic Republic had existed, dating back to its foundation.

Decades of millennia later, this conflict was made worse by the Nelori Marauders, who established a base on the planet Voon. Because of Voon's location along the contested Hyabb-Twith Corridor, the Marauders were able to launch raids against nearby star systems without fear of reprisal. However, the Jedi Order eventually launched the Hyabb-Twith Campaigns against the Marauders, which involved battles on Voon and ultimately resulted in their defeat.


The Core Worlds included the Krenher sector. The Hyabb and Voon systems were part of it, and the Hyabb-Twith Corridor hyperlane connected them.


The Krenher sector systems of Hyabb and Voon

The planets Hyabb and Voon were located in the Hyabb and Voon systems of the Krenher sector, respectively, and the Hyabb-Twith Corridor also connected them to the adjacent Twith system. Since the foundation of the Galactic Republic in 25,053 BBY, Hyabb and the planet Twith had been in a state of constant war. As a result, the Hyabb-Twith Corridor was essentially a deserted no-man's-land between the two heavily armed planets. Neither Hyabb nor Twith was willing to risk retaliation from the other by sending patrol ships into the contested area, and neighboring systems were also actively discouraged from entering that territory. Hyabb had joined the Republic by about 17,000 BBY.

Decades prior to 4050 BBY, the sector experienced additional issues when the pirates and warriors known as the Nelori Marauders were banished from their homeworld, Dachat. The Nelori Marauders took advantage of the strained relationship between Hyabb and Twith by establishing their new main base on Voon. The Nelori were able to prey on the governments of both planets because neither Hyabb nor Twith could afford to take any action against the bandits.

The Nelori Marauders also attacked starships in the Hyabb-Twith Corridor and the surrounding systems. The Jedi Order sent a force of Jedi Knights to eliminate the Marauders as their sphere of influence grew deeper into Republic territory. The Jedi defeated the Nelori, destroying their sphere of influence, after a string of battles known as the Hyabb-Twith Campaigns that included two battles on Voon.

Behind the scenes

The Krenher sector was initially mentioned in the 1998 Star Wars Encyclopedia by Stephen J. Sansweet. The sector's name, however, was misspelled in the book, building on a previous mention of Krenhner Sector Station, which the Star Wars Encyclopedia similarly misspelled as "Krenher Sector Station." The 2000 book A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded repeated the incorrect spelling of the sector's name before the Online Companion to the 2009 book The Essential Atlas ultimately distinguished the Krenher sector from the Krenhner sector as two distinct entities.


  • Star Wars Encyclopedia (First mentioned) (Misspelling of Krenhner sector)
  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded (Misspelling of Krenhner sector)
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link)

Notes and references
