Kumac, a crime lord of the Hutt species, became co-leader of the Desilijic clan following the death of Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Before Jabba's demise, Kumac was one of his most trusted and effective operatives, known for her unwavering loyalty. Additionally, she served as a key connection between Jabba and several high-ranking Imperial criminals.
The skirmish at Carkoon that resulted in Jabba's death plunged the Hutts, particularly the Desilijic clan, into chaos, triggering months of internal conflict. Kumac responded swiftly, collaborating with Brasck, a former mercenary, to seize a significant portion of Jabba's assets in the Expansion Region. She also leveraged her Imperial contacts to establish herself as a prominent Hutt during this period.
Eventually, Kumac joined forces with Jelasi, a long-time rival who also benefited from Jabba's passing, to jointly lead the Desilijic clan. However, in 5 ABY, Zorba, Jabba's father, returned to Hutt Space after being imprisoned on Kip. Kumac and Jelasi were overthrown when Zorba presented Jabba the Hutt's will, which granted him control of his son's holdings throughout the galaxy.
Kumac was a female Hutt belonging to the Desilijic clan. During the Galactic Civil War, she was involved in her clan's kajidic and criminal activities, working closely with the influential Hutt crime lord, Jabba Desilijic Tiure.
Serving Jabba with unwavering loyalty, Kumac held a position as one of his most trusted and essential subordinates. She distinguished herself as one of his most effective agents, specializing in providing "special favors" to sentients in positions of power, ensuring that all parties were appropriately compensated and that arrangements were made. Kumac also maintained connections within the Galactic Empire, and by 4 ABY, she had risen to become one of Jabba's primary liaisons with various influential Imperial crime bosses. Although Kumac frequently undertook clandestine missions across the galaxy, limiting her time at Jabba's side, she still held considerable authority within the Hutt clans. One of her main rivals was Jelasi, considered by many to be Jabba's "heir apparent," despite belonging to a different clan.
In 4 ABY, Leia Organa, a leader of the Rebel Alliance, killed Jabba during the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon. This completely unexpected death threw Hutt Space and the Desilijic clan into disarray. Jabba's influence had previously suppressed infighting among the Hutt clans, but his death and the ensuing chaos led to a resurgence of these feuds, essentially plunging the Hutts into a messy and chaotic civil war.
Kumac was among the first to take action. While other Hutts were preoccupied with infighting, she formed an alliance with Brasck, a Brubb mercenary who had previously worked for Jabba and had seized some of Jabba's smuggling and slaving operations in the Outer Rim Territories. With Brasck's assistance, she gained control of Jabba's leading syndicate operations in the Expansion Region within weeks of his death, while her peers were still struggling to recover. Kumac also leveraged her Imperial contacts to establish a power base strong enough to withstand any major attacks, while Brasck pursued his own goals.
With her power base secured, Kumac was content to observe the conflicts between the other clans, waiting for the opportune moment to intervene. She hoped that her previous authority, proven competence, and newly acquired operations in the Expansion Region would position her as a potential mediator among the clans.
Jelasi, Kumac's long-time rival, had also prospered following Jabba's death, claiming the Ig'zxyck Flare syndicate and attempting to "legitimize" many of Jabba's operations by assassinating those who opposed his new direction. Kumac and her clan were infuriated by this, as they preferred to continue operating in Jabba's style, using crime and intimidation to gain power. Nevertheless, after a brutal period of infighting, the two emerged as the new joint leaders of the Desilijic clan, and consequently, the leaders of Hutt Space due to Desilijic's dominance, as they had both claimed more of Jabba's holdings than anyone else.
However, their reign was short-lived. Within a year of Jabba's death, his father, Zorba, was released from prison on the planet Kip, only to discover that his son had died while he was incarcerated. Zorba discovered Jabba's "true will and testament", which entitled him to all of Jabba's holdings. Through legal means, Zorba was able to seize control of the clan and wrest Kumac and Jelasi's criminal empires from their grasp. Under Zorba's leadership, Desilijic lost much of its prominence and was surpassed by Durga's Besadii clan as the leading Hutt clan. Eventually, the Hutt courts declared Jabba's "will" a forgery, and Zorba was deposed.
In 9 ABY, Kumac learned of Brahle Logris, a highly skilled assassin known for poisoning his victims. Logris was imprisoned on Tamazall, and Kumac hoped to recruit him into her service if she helped him escape. The Hutt traveled to Tamazall and hired Deshic Mall, a mercenary, to rescue Logris. After Mall succeeded, Kumac sent one of her subordinates to meet with the two. However, to avoid paying Mall, Kumac had him killed and invited Logris aboard her sail barge to discuss the possibility of him working for her.
Kumac was primarily recognized for her efficiency and loyalty. She was known for completing missions quickly and without complications. Kumac remained loyal to Jabba until his death, unlike many of his other underlings who sought to kill him. However, instead of mourning his death, she acted swiftly to capitalize on the situation for her own benefit. Kumac interacted effectively with other sentients: as Jabba's operative, she frequently engaged with various individuals, providing them with services, and she served as a liaison between Jabba and his Imperial contacts. She also formed a mutually beneficial alliance with Brasck after Jabba's death and collaborated with Jelasi to increase her power, despite their long-standing rivalry and her disagreement with his modus operandi.
Kumac held little regard for sentient life, as demonstrated by her decision to have one of her employees killed on Tamazall simply to avoid paying him. After establishing her own criminal empire, she operated ruthlessly and relied heavily on intimidation. As a Hutt, Kumac was extremely corpulent and used a hover-sled after her rise to power. She was always accompanied by a retinue of Gamorrean guards and slaves.
Rick D. Stuart created Kumac for Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations, which was published in 1994. Although the sourcebook indicates that Kumac and Jelasi controlled the Desilijic clan during its setting of 10 ABY, this was contradicted by sources such as The New Essential Guide to Characters, which states that Zorba deposed them in 5 ABY and remained in power until after the events of Star Wars: Dark Empire II.