Labyrinth of Evil

Labyrinth of Evil is a novel within the Star Wars Legends continuity, penned by James Luceno. Functioning as a direct lead-in to the motion picture Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, its initial publication was on January 25, 2005, under the Del Rey imprint.

In 2008, Labyrinth of Evil found its place in The Dark Lord Trilogy, a compilation that also featured the Revenge of the Sith novelization authored by Matthew Stover, alongside Luceno's Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader.

A condensed version of the story was put out as an abridged audiobook in 2007.

Publisher's summary

The conflict that ignited in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones is reaching a critical point. The relentless Separatist forces are pressing their attack on the crumbling Republic. Meanwhile, the sinister alliance of Count Dooku, General Grievous, and their Master, Darth Sidious, are refining their strategy for total domination. The destinies of key individuals on both sides of the war will be determined in Episode III Revenge of the Sith. However, before that decisive moment, pivotal events that set the stage for the coming showdown are unfolding within a labyrinth of evil....

The mission to capture Trade Federation Viceroy—and Separatist Councilmember—Nute Gunray sends Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by a clone squad, to Neimoidia. However, the treacherous Sith ally proves elusive, evading his Jedi pursuers while narrowly escaping perilous situations. Despite these challenges, their courageous efforts yield an unexpected reward: a unique holotransceiver containing intelligence that could guide the Republic forces to their ultimate target, the elusive Darth Sidious.

Anakin and Obi-Wan immediately begin the pursuit, following clues from the droid factories of Charros IV to the distant worlds of the Outer Rim…each step bringing them closer to discovering the location of the Sith Lord—whom they suspect is manipulating every aspect of the Separatist rebellion. Yet, in the escalating galaxy-wide game of strikes, counterstrikes, ambushes, sabotage, and retaliations, Sidious consistently maintains a strategic advantage.

The pursuit takes an unexpected turn when Sidious and his followers initiate a carefully planned campaign to divide and overwhelm the Jedi forces—and bring the Republic to the brink of collapse.

Plot summary

Pursuing Gunray

The narrative commences with Anakin and Obi-Wan spearheading Squad Seven in an assault on Cato Neimoidia, aiming to apprehend Nute Gunray. Following engagements with Separatist forces external to Gunray's stronghold, the team employs harvester beetles as concealment to infiltrate via the subterranean passages. Nevertheless, one of the beetles becomes agitated and triggers a mine on the ground, causing further beetles to panic. Separatist forces subsequently saturate the area with STAPS, unleashing fire upon the clone troopers. Droidekas launch an assault from the fortress; however, Anakin directs an artillery barrage onto their position, effectively neutralizing the majority of the droids.

Upon entering the tunnels, Anakin and Obi-Wan elect to separate. Obi-Wan, Commander Cody, and the bulk of Squad 7 delve deeper into the fortress, serving as bait for the battle droids within, while Anakin and four commandos give chase to Gunray. Kenobi engages Super Battle Droids with his clone forces, and in the process of deflecting blaster fire, inadvertently ruptures a canister of spores, said to possess a "dislocating" effect. Reaching the fleeing Separatist leaders, Anakin's forces find their position compromised by a protocol droid, prompting the Separatists to alter course and dispatch Super Battle Droids against them. Despite destroying the droids, Anakin fails to capture Gunray but receives a transmission from Obi-Wan's force requesting assistance before he can continue the pursuit.

Upon reaching the force, he discovers that the enemies have been vanquished, with a "dislocated" Kenobi having defeated over fifty alone with his "new lightsaber form" as Anakin jokingly puts it. After Kenobi recovers, they are informed that the commandos examining the items left behind by Gunray have discovered something of potential interest.

Aboard Nute Gunray's ship, Gunray and Rune Haako discuss the recurring defeats of the Separatists and their evacuation. While reviewing the items he saved, he realizes he has left behind his mechno-chair with a special transceiver for Sidious. He and Haako quickly decide to arm the chair so that it will set itself to self-destruct.

At the citadel, Anakin and Obi-Wan deliberate over their discovery: the mechno-chair. Anakin is determined to examine the chair there but Obi-Wan insists that they wait for Republic Intelligence to show up. Anakin refuses to wait though and has R2-D2 try and run a diagnostic on the chair. While Anakin is talking with Obi-Wan though the chair receives Gunray's signal and goes off to arm itself to explode. Anakin is able to stop it before it does, though narrowly avoiding poison gas emitted from the chair. After stopping the self-destruct, a recording of a conversation between Gunray and Sidious appears.

Following a lead

On Coruscant Bail Organa is in attendance with fellow members of the Loyalist Committee for a meeting with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. They are delayed however by Sate Pestage. Back on Cato Neimoidia Republic Intelligence has arrived and is accompanied by Yoda. Yoda tells Obi-Wan that he and Anakin are to try and hunt down this Darth Sidious.

The Loyalist Committee members are finally granted their meeting with Palpatine who despite their insistence that the tide of the war is turning refuses to withdraw certain security measures that have been put into effect on Coruscant. Obi-Wan reflects again how Anakin would have fared had Qui-Gon survived and been his master but is saved from his musings by Yoda and the Intelligence captain. They have found something on the chair that could begin the Jedi's search: engravings by a Xi Charrian who signed his name on the chair.

Aboard the Invisible Hand Grievous observes Nute Gunray's ship emerging from hyperspace, closely pursued by Republic starfighters. As punishment, he eliminates a portion of Gunray's droid fighter escort and contemplates permitting the Republic forces to secure their kill. However, he concludes that Dooku and Sidious would be excessively displeased were he to allow Gunray to perish and thus eliminates the starfighters.

Anakin and Obi-Wan journey to Charros IV in pursuit of t'laalak-s'lalak-t'th'ak, the Xi Charrian who worked on the mechno-chair. With TC-16 serving as translator, they persuade the prelate to grant them an audience with t'laalak-s'lalak-t'th'ak. Upon questioning, however, he becomes frightened and attempts to escape. Anakin and Obi-Wan pursue him, causing a disturbance in the workshop. The prelate arrives and demands their departure but permits them to pose their questions first. They discover that the chair originated from Escarte and thus continue their pursuit.

The hunt for Darth Sidious

Republic Intelligence has utilized the mechno-chairs transceiver to finally crack the Separatist code and have learned that General Grievous is planning to attack Belderone next. They inform Mace Windu and Yoda who decide that they must try and stop the attack. Aboard the Invisible Hand Grievous reflects on his life as a Kaleesh warlord before his fatal crash and cyborg transformation. He is alerted to a problem in the Belderone invasion and finds Republic forces ambushing his ships and evacuating the people of Belderone. Anakin and Obi-Wan lead the Republic forces in the space battle and Anakin makes a bold attack on the Invisible Hand. Grievous realizes that the battle cannot be won and before retreating blasts the refugee ships, killing over ten thousand including twenty-seven Jedi.

Mace and Yoda decide that no matter what Darth Sidious must be rooted out. Grievous meets with Gunray and chastises him for the loss of the mechno-chair. On Kaon Count Dooku reflects on Grievous, his turn to the Sith, and his apprenticeship and service to Darth Sidious. Mace and Yoda meet with Palpatine to discuss the events at Belderone as well as what they have uncovered from the mechno-chair. Palpatine tells them to do whatever they must to hunt Sidious down.

Anakin and Obi-Wan arrive at Escarte and after being denied landing Anakin harasses the patrol ships until a tractor beam pulls them in. A captain of the base arrives and has them arrested but while leading them to their cell reveals himself as Travale, a Republic Intelligence agent. The Jedi are placed in a cell with Thal K'sar, the Bith who designed the hyperwave transceiver for the chair. Travale's cover is blown however, and he is thrown in the cell with them, though not before setting up a power failure. When they escape the cell, Anakin and K'sar get to the ship, after battling a dwarf spider droid in the tunnels, and Obi-wan and Travale deactivate the tractor beam. Anakin questions K'sar and by the time Obi-Wan and Travale arrive the Jedi have their next lead.

In "The Works" of Coruscant Count Dooku meets with Lord Sidious and discusses the events at Escarte and Anakin and Obi-Wan's search for Sidious. Sidious tells him not to worry and that they will set a trap for the Jedi at Naos III. He tells him to eliminate Kenobi but to allow Anakin to live for he has other plans for him. Palpatine makes an address to the Senate about his plans for taking the war to the Outer Rim specifically the "Triad of Evil."

Attack on Coruscant

Anakin and Obi-Wan search for their next source of info, a Lethan pilot on Naos III. After searching, and sampling, several taverns they finally find Fa'ale Leh, now going by Genne. Before having time to question her though they are ambushed and after a chase manage to escape their pursuers. Fa'ale is injured but is able to give them one piece of information. She delivered the ship to an area on Coruscant known as "The Works."

Back on Coruscant Mace leads a team consisting of troopers, Padawans, and Master Shaak Ti into the building they believe the courier was delivered to. Through Republic Intelligence research they are able to pick up a trail of Dooku's unknown visitor. A trail that leads through the tunnels to the senate district. Aboard Grievous's ship Dooku watches Grievous duel with his Magnaguards. They soon receive a transmission from Sidious who discusses the events at Naos III, his plans for them to conquer Tythe, and his plans to accelerate the plan for the final stage of the war: regarding Coruscant.

Anakin and Obi-Wan are on Belderone while Fa'ale recovers. Obi-Wan informs them that they will not be returning to Coruscant soon, as they are needed at Tythe. Anakin argues that he wants to be home and Obi-Wan suspects that it is because of Padmé. He tells Anakin to discuss it with Palpatine. Mace and Shaak Ti are examining the tunnels and find a repulsorlift speeder bike which leads the search team to their next destination, 500 Republica. In the space battle over Tythe, Anakin and Obi-Wan lead Red Squadron in destroying a Techno Union starship and then proceed to enter Tythes atmosphere to assault Dooku's stronghold. All of Red Squadron is lost along the way and the Jedi decide to enter through the facilities containment domes. Mace's team is getting close on finding the Dark Lord but are interrupted by a jolt to the building. Upon exiting Mace and Shaak Ti find a shocking sight. Coruscant is under attack.

On Tythe, Dooku sends battle droids to delay Anakin and Obi-Wan from reaching him, but his plans go awry when an angered Skywalker loses control of himself. In a surge of rage and power, Anakin releases a powerful wave of Force energy that collapsed the vast hall of the building, burying himself, Obi-Wan and Dooku beneath tons of debris.

Captain Dyne and his team had found a door in the tunnel that scans confirm to have one sentient being behind it as well as droids. Mace informs Yoda of the attack and Yoda decides to order all Jedi who can make it back to Coruscant for the battle.


The central occurrence portrayed within Labyrinth of Evil serves as an elaboration upon an exchange present in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. This exchange is where Obi-Wan counters Anakin's assertion that saving his life on Cato Neimoidia should not be considered in their ongoing count of rescues. The novel's inspiration, in fact, stemmed from James Luceno's encounter with this line in an earlier iteration of the film's screenplay.







