
title: Lante

Lante was a woman who developed romantic feelings for Sila Kott. Tragically, her life ended in an accident on the world of Toprawa.


Early life

Lante was a female who was raised on the planet of Toprawa. It was generally understood that Lante grew up without parents. Her aunt cared for her until she was a teen, at which point her elderly caregiver relocated to Otor's Hub. Lante then began caring for herself. Unbeknownst to Lante, Sila Kott, a girl her age, was constantly being compared to Lante by her family, creating resentment in Kott. Lante was always amicable to Kott and spent time with her, eventually falling in love with Kott.

Imperial career

Lante's skills as a mechanic led to her recruitment at the age of seventeen by an Imperial scientist to serve as a technician at the Imperial research facility on Toprawa. Following this, she resided in an apartment at the facility.

Lante's work eventually required test pilots, so she returned to town to find Kott, whom she knew to be a talented pilot. She offered Kott a paid opportunity to assist her, but Kott rejected her, stating that she did not want to work for the Empire. Lante then hired Kott's brother Set to assist her. Two months later, she went back to the Kotts to ask for Set, but because he was away on a job, Kott reluctantly agreed to take his place.

Lante had Kott pilot Imperial starfighters, hoping to obtain data that would help her improve speed, handling, and visibility. Although Kott was typically reserved around Lante, she expressed happiness and honesty after the test flight, stating that it was the best ship she had ever flown. Lante appreciated the help.

Later, Kott, who had begun to warm up to Lante, mentioned that her brothers always went to the Ansharii Caverns without her. Lante suggested that they go to the caverns together, and they soon embarked on the journey. They left town in speeders before hiking, eating starfruit, and watching the sunset. Kott started to return Lante's affections. However, their budding relationship was cut short when they returned home and Kott learned that her father and all of her brothers had died in an accident. They had all been aboard a ship that was accidentally destroyed during an Imperial laser test being developed for mining.

Lante remained by Kott's side afterward, offering company in her now-empty home and holding her hand at the funerals. One day, Lante told Kott that she would ensure that the research station never had another accident. Kott was surprised, asking Lante if she was actually going back to work for them. Kott continued by saying that the Empire had not even acknowledged the deaths and that they were creating weapons that would eventually kill even more people as they conquered the galaxy. Lante countered that the war was bigger than both of them and that they could not escape the system unless Kott joined the Rebellion. When Kott did not respond, Lante begged her not to leave. Despite not having considered it previously, Kott left Toprawa the following day.

An apology

Lante continued her work for the Empire, but she secretly became a rebel informant. Two years after Kott's departure from Toprawa, Lante included a message for her when she sent the Rebellion intel from her facility. She told Kott that she realized she had chosen the wrong side and said that she had tried to make amends. Saying that she did not know when they would see each other again, she asked Kott to surprise her as tears welled up in her eyes. Shortly after, Lante was killed while sabotaging the research facility.


When Kott flew for the Rebellion at the Battle of Endor, she was shot down and killed by Imperial fighters. Her final thoughts were of Lante's message.

Personality and traits

Lante was a female with long, lustrous brown hair and green eyes. She possessed charm, conversational skills, and a captivating smile. She was a talented mechanic, always capable of fixing things, a skill that led to her recruitment by the Empire to work at a research station on Toprawa at the age of seventeen.

She was a talented singer, and sometimes performed at a tavern in Toprawa City. She was also a skilled sabacc player.

Sila Kott held a grudge against Lante because she was constantly compared to her, although Lante did not participate in any of the comparisons and remained friendly with Kott before they eventually realized their feelings for each other. However, their relationship was short-lived, as Kott left Toprawa to join the Rebellion.

