Starfruit, fit for human consumption as an edible fruit, offered a distinctive sour flavor and a delightful crispness. In 382 BBY, amidst the peace summit intended to resolve the Eiram and E'ronoh War, Phan-tu Zenn, the Eirami heir destined for the [throne], enjoyed a bowl of starfruit while aboard the Paxion. The Paxion was an Alif-class Longbeam overseen by Quarren Supreme Chancellor Orlen Mollo. Following the murder of E'roni Captain Jerrod Segaru, who was the son of Chancellor Kyong Greylark, [Axel](/article/axel_greylark] consumed starfruit from the same bowl upon his arrival.
Zoraida Córdova's 2023 novel, The High Republic: Convergence, featured starfruit. The Star Wars Legends continuity first introduced starfruit in Legacy of the Force: Betrayal, a 2006 novel penned by Aaron Allston.