
Laria existed as a planet within the Outer Rim Territories, specifically situated in the Rseik sector. By the time of 3643 BBY, a collection of star-charts, accompanied by annotations penned in an antiquated language, were preserved within computer storage units located in the long-standing ruins found on Laria. Around that year, archaeologists dedicated themselves to the restoration of these charts. Many Millennia afterward, the Trade Federation enhanced the infrastructure of Laria's spaceport.


Laria was a world of terrestrial composition, found in the Laria system, which itself was part of the Rseik sector of the Outer Rim Territories.


Well before the events of 3643 BBY, numerous star-charts, along with accompanying notes, had been placed inside multiple computer banks within a structure on Laria. By 3643 BBY, the structure had decayed into ruins, and the language utilized in the notes had been lost to time.

The star-charts located in the Larian ruins were unearthed around that year, leading to archaeologists beginning the process of restoring the documents. A person connected to the Galactic Republic ultimately dispatched an associate to aid the researchers. This associate meticulously restored the charts, which were then handed over to the appreciative Jedi Council of the Jedi Order.

Within a decade of expanding its reach into the Rseik sector after the Bordal Contagion of 214 BBY, the Trade Federation made improvements to Laria's spaceport. This planet was later referenced in the written memories of Trade Defense Force captain Firmus Kett.

Behind the scenes

Laria's first mention occurred in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Laria appeared in a Slicing Crew Skill mission in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 video game created by BioWare. Initially, the mission was only accessible to player characters aligned with the Galactic Republic, but both that restriction and details about the mission's conclusion were later removed from the game. The Online Companion for the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas located the Laria system, and therefore the world Laria, in grid square N-19.

Originally, Laria was intended to be mentioned in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart; however, the sidebar containing the reference was omitted before the book's publication. This information about Laria was subsequently released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the Blog by Fry and Del Rey editor Erich Schoeneweiss featuring various pieces of content removed from The Essential Guide to Warfare.

