
Lellis, a Mustafarian miner of male gender, resided on Mustafar as the Imperial Era commenced. In 19 BBY, while employed at the Klegger Corp Mining Facility, Lellis witnessed a dark figure brandishing a lightsaber in pursuit of the young Kakan. Not understanding the "monster's" actions, but realizing immediate escape was essential, Lellis seized Kakan and discovered the boy had kept his whereabouts secret from all, even his Brood-Mother. To create a diversion, Lellis activated the facility's repulsor vents, releasing psychoactive and poisonous gasses into the surrounding environment, before ascending a ladder with Kakan. Unfortunately, the fumes disoriented the boy, causing him to hallucinate their attacker and plummet from the ladder. Decades afterward, Lellis narrated the happenings of that fateful night to his nephew Tuttel and Tuttel's companion Giggek, hoping to deter them from a journey to Fortress Vader.

