LEP-86C8, identified as a service droid from the LEP-series service droid line, was an assistant to Doctor Nuvo Vindi during the Clone Wars period, specifically concerning the Blue Shadow Virus project. He resided at Vindi's hidden lab located on the planet Naboo. The virus bomb was placed in the lab's bomb storage room by LEP-86C8 under Vindi's orders, an event witnessed by Senator Padmé Amidala, who was being held captive. After Republic authorities took Vindi into custody, the droid went into hiding within the laboratory. Clone troopers of the Republic pursued him, aiming to secure and disarm all the bombs. The Republic forces conducted an urgent search for Vindi's robotic assistant, understanding that the fate of the galaxy depended on the bombs' neutralization. Later, Amidala and her Padawan [Ahsoka Tano](/article/ahsoka_tano] relieved LEP-86C8 of the explosive. Ultimately, however, the droid managed to break free and detonate Vindi's virus bombs, which led to his own destruction and the release of the Blue Shadow Virus into the lab, making quarantine necessary.
LEP-86C8, a service droid of the LEP-series, fulfilled his duties in Nuvo Vindi's Naboo-based laboratory. He demonstrated loyalty to Vindi. LEP-86C8's height was 1.26 meters (equivalent to 4 [feet](/article/foot] and 2 inches), and he possessed white sensors. Droids of the LEP service type are designed to assist their masters as assistants and valets, carrying out different tasks for them. LEP-86C8 was no different, performing errands for Vindi.