Lok Revenants

The Lok Revenants, a band of pirates, flourished in the Outer Rim Territories during the Galactic Republic's final decades. They were commanded by Nym, a Feeorin. Their operational areas included the Arkanis sector, the Corellian Run, and the end of the Llanic Spice Run.

These pirates were notorious for attacking Trade Federation members, but they also developed a reputation for occasionally preying on spicerunners, enslavers, and other individuals from time to time. Furthermore, they utilized uniquely designed starships with specialized weaponry and frequently collaborated with Jedi Master Adi Gallia, who bent Jedi principles to facilitate their partnership.

Behind the scenes

The group known as the Lok Revenants made their initial appearance in the new Star Wars canon within Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit, an expansion pack for the Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition miniatures game, created by Fantasy Flight Games. Their original debut occurred in the Star Wars Legends continuity, featured in the flight simulation video game Star Wars: Starfighter, which was developed by LucasArts and launched in 2001.


  • Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit (Card: Lok Revenant — Scurrg H-6 Bomber) (First mentioned)
  • Collapse of the Republic

Notes and references
