The Ancient Museum, also referred to as the Lost Museum, existed on one of the lowest levels of the city-planet of Coruscant. By the time of the Imperial Era, the general public had forgotten about its existence. However, Amilyn Holdo, who was a member of the Apprentice Legislature, convinced her friend Leia Organa to embark on a search for it.
The Lost Museum was situated either on or below Level 4 within the restricted zones of Coruscant. Nestled within a rocky landscape, the museum gave the impression of having been sculpted almost entirely from the surrounding stone. Inside, it showcased statues of humans, towering structures, and an animal that resembled a fathier. The structure was adorned with numerous coral-like bioluminescent flora in blue, white, and pink hues, which illuminated the museum's interior. Among the statues and displays, stone pots and a chest with necklaces dangling from its lid were also visible. Scattered throughout the interior, or arranged in piles, were round yellow stones, possibly coins.
Holdo, having read about the Lost Museum, persuaded Leia to accompany her on an expedition into Coruscant's forbidden levels to locate it. Navigating through Coruscant's underworld, they encountered a woman who instructed Leia to place her hands on a [purple](/article/purple] glowing orb she identified as a "Liga Crystal." This caused Leia's hands to emit a glow, with the woman proclaiming, "It's glow will guide you toward that which you seek." This proved to be a valuable asset, as the glow from her hands intensified as they neared the museum. Subsequently, they utilized the piping system within Coruscant's underworld to access level 4, and following a brief pursuit by a criminal gang, they successfully located the museum.