Lozash naval yard

In the year 6 BBY, the Galactic Empire maintained a naval yard on the celestial body known as Lozash. This facility, operated by the Imperial Navy, housed various resources for the naval forces, including Imperial masking devices intended for use on starships. During that year, Anto Kreegyr's rebel group successfully breached the yard's defenses and absconded with one of these masking devices. Subsequently, in 5 BBY, a pilot belonging to Kreegyr's rebel faction employed the stolen device aboard a GPE 7000 transport; however, the pilot's journey to the Ring of Kafrene within the Expansion Region was cut short by Imperial forces, resulting in their capture.

Behind the scenes

The naval yard situated on Lozash was referenced in the Andor television series. Specifically, it was mentioned in "Nobody's Listening!," the ninth episode of the first season, which was broadcast on November 2, 2022.

