Lungru Nokko Vimmas

Lungru Nokko Vimmas was a Hutt of the female persuasion who existed during the New Republic era. She belonged to the Nokko kajidic, and due to her wealthy upbringing, she possessed a summer palace located on the planet Joodrudda. This palace was staffed by a group of Cerean attendants, and she also maintained a collection of exotic animals. Lungru had a long-standing rivalry and business relationship with the Hutt Popara of the Anjiliac Hutt clan, and in 19 ABY, she was a guest at a party hosted by Popara in his penthouse on the moon Nar Shaddaa.

After Popara was murdered, some individuals who were wrongly blamed for the Anjiliac Hutt's death sought refuge with Lungru. However, she turned them away and informed Popara's eldest son, Zonnos, of their whereabouts. Two months later, Lungru's kajidic reached an agreement with the Anjiliac clan. As a gesture of goodwill, Popara's younger son, Mika, presented Lungru with two Corellian sand panthers to add to her collection.


Early life

Lungru Nokko Vimmas, a Hutt of the female variety, lived through both the Galactic Empire and the New Republic periods. As a member of the Nokko kajidic, a smaller Hutt clan, Lungru was born into affluence and inherited a successful enterprise. She lived a long life, witnessing numerous clan conflicts and constantly battling her rivals to maintain her influential position. She became a long-time opponent of the Hutt Popara Anjiliac Diresto, the leader of the Anjiliac kajidic, and in her early years, she competed with many of Popara's business ventures. She eventually decided that collaborating with Popara was more efficient and financially beneficial than opposing him, and she became a well-known business partner of the Anjiliac clan.

Lungru possessed a residence on the moon Nar Shaddaa, guarded by a contingent of Nikto guards. Furthermore, from at least the early years of the Galactic Empire, she also owned a summer palace on Joodrudda, a planet located near the Corporate Sector borders, which was protected by several orbiting Hutt caravel starships under her ownership. At one time, Lungru was served by a group of Evocii, a species native to Nal Hutta, the homeworld adopted by the Hutts. After the Evocii seemingly went extinct centuries before the New Republic's reign, Lungru employed a retinue of Cerean attendants, with the Cerean Kir Sesad acting as her primary advisor. The Cerean assassin Ogo Nan also frequently worked for Lungru as a freelancer. The reason for Lungru's hiring of Cerean servants was a mystery to other Hutts, with most assuming that she had forced them into a large debt, which they were repaying through their service. Lungru also maintained a private menagerie of exotic and unusual creatures at her Joodrudda retreat, away from environmentalist scrutiny, and she had long desired to add some Corellian sand panthers to her collection.

Downfall of Popara

In 19 ABY, Lungru was a guest at a party hosted by Popara in his penthouse on Nar Shaddaa. Lungru was accompanied by Kir Sesad and four Cerean soldiers who served as her bodyguards. During the event, she was seated at a table with Jedi Master Mander Zuma and Corporate Sector Authority representative Miltar Dolor. She conversed with Zuma, with Sesad acting as her translator, expressing interest in the Jedi's recent rescue of Popara's youngest son, Mika, from the quarantined planet Endregaad. She also joked about Sesad potentially being behind a recent assassination attempt on Mika by the Cerean Ogo Nan. She had a disagreement with Zuma regarding the prospects of the newly emerged and potent spice tempest, which Zuma sought to shut down, but Lungru saw as an opportunity. This quarrel left her speechless and reaching for a hokuum pipe. Lungru and her entourage then attended a private meeting with Popara in the penthouse's inner chamber. Shortly after her meeting concluded, Popara was murdered, and his eldest son, Zonnos, falsely accused Zuma as the responsible party, forcing the Jedi and his associates to flee.

Following Popara's death, Lungru retreated to her Nar Shaddaa residence. She believed that Zonnos was the true culprit behind the Anjiliac patriarch's death and did not suspect Mika's involvement. Seeking a safe haven, Zuma, Be'ray, and Irana sought shelter at Lungru's residence. The Hutt refused to grant them entry, reasoning that assisting the outlaws would lead other Hutts to believe she was involved in Popara's murder. While communicating with the fugitives via a holoprojector at her door to stall them, Lungru had Kir Sesad inform Zonnos of their visit, then dispatched eight of her Nikto guards to ambush them. However, Zuma and his companions escaped. Lungru blamed Kir Sesad for the fugitives' escape and believed that it had damaged her standing with Zonnos.

Mika's gift

Approximately two months later, Lungru and her kajidic reached an agreement with the Anjiliac Hutts. To solidify the agreement between their clans, Mika Anjiliac gifted Lungru two Corellian sand panthers, a male and a female, to add to her menagerie. Despite their previous encounter with Lungru, Mika hired Zuma, Be'ray, and Irana for the assignment, reasoning that she would not harm them while they were acting as his agents.

Mika's envoys transported the panthers to Lungru's palace on Joodrudda. During the unloading of the creatures, the Anjiliac agents became embroiled in an armed confrontation with Kir Sesad and some of Lungru's Cerean guards, who sought to provoke Zuma and his associates into attacking them. This would allow Sesad to gain favor with Lungru by killing her enemies while claiming self-defense. The Anjiliac agents survived their encounter with Sesad, and as they departed Joodrudda in their starship, Lungru sent them a message via a comlink, apologizing for her employees' actions and promising that she would not seek retribution against the envoys while they remained in Mika's service.

Personality and traits

As a typical member of her species, Lungru was aggressive when challenged and was known for being malicious and vengeful. Her enemies would often disappear long after she appeared to have lost interest in them. She was cautious and rarely took risks in her business dealings, and she attributed her long life to her prudence. She enjoyed trickery and encouraged deviousness among her servants. Lungru saw the emergence of the potent spice tempest as an opportunity but believed that whoever was behind it must be more intelligent than her. Therefore, she decided not to participate in the tempest trade until the mastermind behind the new spice revealed themselves publicly. Lungru almost exclusively employed Cereans as her attendants, and her ego led her to disparage Klatooinian, Nikto, and Twi'leks, species commonly employed by other Hutts, as being too ordinary to serve her.

Although once a rival of Popara, Lungru found collaborating with the Anjiliac patriarch easier than fighting him and came to respect him. Lungru believed that Hutts became more sentimental with age and that Popara had softened in his old age. By 19 ABY, she felt that it was time for Popara to relinquish control of the Anjiliac kajidic to someone new. Despite her respect for Popara, she was not saddened by his death and had little affection for the Anjiliac clan. Popara, Zonnos, and Mika, in turn, did not fully trust Lungru. She viewed Zonnos as a lightweight who tried to appear important to live up to his father's legacy, while she had little regard for Mika, whom she believed was coddled by Popara and needed protection. After Mika assumed leadership of the Anjiliac kajidic, Lungru came to believe that the younger Hutt would manage his clan successfully and profitably but would grant his associates less freedom than Popara had.

Lungru had a diamond-shaped insignia on her forehead and spoke with a booming voice. She was multi-lingual, capable of speaking and writing both Huttese and Basic, as well as being fluent in Klatooinian, Nikto, and Ryl. Lungru commonly carried a blaster pistol and datapad, and she was skilled in using computers and wielding blasters and other simple weapons.

Behind the scenes

Lungru was created by Jeff Grubb and made her first appearance in Tempest Feud, a role-playing adventure set within Star Wars Legends continuity. It was published by Wizards of the Coast on March 1 2002 as a supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. The adventure featured a picture of Lungru by the artist Adi Granov, a smaller version of which was used as a recurring theme throughout the book. Lungru later received a brief mention in the 2008 compendium The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, in the entry for Joodrudda. She subsequently appeared in the 2012 novel Scourge, an adaptation of Tempest Feud also written by Jeff Grubb.

Tempest Feud did not have a specific setting, allowing the events of the adventure to occur during either the Rise of the Empire publishing era, the Rebellion era, the New Republic era, or the New Republic era. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia later established that Lungru was active during the early years of the Galactic Empire, while Scourge placed the events in Tempest Feud in 19 ABY, making the New Republic era the canonical setting for Lungru's attendance at Popara's party and her interactions with those accused of his murder.

While Tempest Feud depicts Lungru as male, Scourge portrays her as female. In the novel, Mander Zuma, Reen Irana, and Eddey Be'ray are identified as the individuals accused by Zonnos of Popara's murder, a role attributed to the player characters in Tempest Feud. However, the novel does not depict these individuals seeking shelter from Lungru or later transporting Mika Anjiliac's gift to her on Joodrudda. As these are only possible events in Tempest Feud that depend on the player characters choosing to take those actions, it is therefore unclear whether those events are part of official Star Wars Legends continuity.

Tempest Feud roleplaying outcomes

In Tempest Feud, the player characters can interact with Lungru during Popara's party and later if they attempt to seek refuge at her home on Nar Shaddaa after being falsely accused of killing Popara. If the player characters later accept Mika's assignment to transport two Corellian sand panthers to Lungru on Joodrudda, it is possible for them to be provoked into attacking Kir Sesad and Lungru's Cerean guards. If such an attack occurs and the player characters are defeated, Lungru orders that the surviving player characters be treated with medpacs and returned to their starship.

A key plot point of Tempest Feud is the revelation that Mika Anjiliac is responsible for developing the potent spice tempest. The adventure suggests that if the player characters suspect Mika of being responsible for the spice's propagation, the gamemaster running the campaign can try to shift suspicion onto Lungru. The adventure also suggests that if Mika is killed prematurely in the adventure, Lungru can seize control of Mika's tempest manufacturing plant on the planet Varl. Lungru then becomes the new primary antagonist to the players and assumes Mika's role for the remainder of the adventure.

