
Lur, situated on the Outer Rim, was a planet of ice. It gained recognition as the homeworld of the Lurrian species, who were renowned for their expertise in genetic manipulation. Positioned near the Corporate Sector, Lur experienced intense storms and powerful winds. The hazardous wildlife of the planet drove the Lurrians to form close-knit family groups during their evolutionary journey. Due to the limitations imposed by the planet's challenging environment on technological advancement, the Lurrians progressed by mastering the local plant and animal life. They engaged in the breeding and cloning of specifically designed creatures that aided them in constructing cities within Lur's glaciers. The Lurrians' proficiency in genetics attracted considerable attention to their cherished homeworld, particularly following the Clone Wars. The Galactic Empire subsequently imposed a quarantine on the planet, fearing that their knowledge could be exploited for harmful purposes. This notoriety transformed Lur into a sought-after target for slavers, as Lurrian genetic specialists became highly valued commodities on the Invisible Market due to galaxy-wide restrictions on genetic experimentation.


Lur, a frigid world blanketed in snowy glaciers, was located in the Outer Rim's Aparo sector, in close proximity to the Corporate Sector, just a short distance from the hyperlane known as Etti Route Major. The planet endured severe weather conditions, including constant gale-force winds and powerful electrical storms resulting from its heavily ionized atmosphere. Consequently, landing spacecraft on Lur was exceptionally treacherous, demanding careful instrument-based navigation. To comfortably endure the elements, humans typically required thermosuits equipped with full facebowls. Despite these challenges, Lur boasted a vibrant and abundant ecosystem, recognized for its dangerous wildlife. Over time, the sentient species referred to as the Lurrians acquired the ability to modify and manipulate the genetic code of these creatures, giving rise to numerous new species that played specific roles in the development of their society. Among the creatures integrated into Lur's food chain were the burrowing asgnats, grebnars bred for their meat, and the formidable noahounds.


A Lurrian.

Lurrian society prospered in the years following their evolution from non-sentient herbivores. These diminutive humanoids discovered how to transform the plants and animals surrounding them, establishing the foundation of their civilization. Eventually, Lur achieved full membership in the Galactic Republic. Despite the Lurrians' infrequent departures from their icy homeworld, their aptitude for genetic manipulation became widely known. Their celebrated talents attracted geneticists from across the galaxy, including the Shi'ido Mammon Hoole, who journeyed to Lur to study during the decline of the Galactic Republic. The Lurrians' bioengineering achievements garnered even greater attention during and after the galaxy-spanning conflict known as the Clone Wars. During the war, the Republic enacted a decree prohibiting all non-military cloning on member worlds. While some Separatist news outlets reported the closure of therapeutic cloning centers on Lur, the Galactic Senate granted the planet an exemption. Additionally, the experimental Jango Fett clones known as the Null ARCs visited the planet during the war, seeking to exploit Lur's genetic research in an attempt to halt their accelerated aging.

Following the cessation of hostilities, the atrocities of the Clone Wars prompted the Galactic Empire to implement strict measures against genetic manipulation. As a result, Lur was placed under quarantine due to the natives' capabilities, although genuine enforcement of the act was minimal. The quarantine of Lur proved disastrous for the droid manufacturer Cybot Galactica, which had developed an entire line of PD-series protocol droids specifically to penetrate the challenging Lurrian market. Droids were uncommon on Lur due to the planet's harsh climate. Despite producing thousands of these droids, the Imperial quarantine prevented their sale, resulting in significant losses. The restrictions imposed after the Clone Wars also ensured that Lurrian gene experts became valuable commodities on the Invisible Market, transforming Lur into a target for slavers. A slaving group originating from the Corporate Sector, led by a Human named Zlarb, conducted multiple expeditions to Lur between 6 BBY and 2 BBY, abducting several hundred Lurrians.

During one final raid on Lur in 2 BBY, Zlarb and his crew enlisted the services of an unsuspecting Corellian smuggler named Han Solo to transport cargo without revealing that it consisted of living beings. However, when Zlarb attempted to seize Solo's Millennium Falcon, a violent confrontation ensued, culminating in Zlarb's death at the hands of one of his Lurrian captives. Solo and his Wookiee companion Chewbacca liberated the Lurrians and handed over the surviving slavers to their captives for them to deal with as they saw fit. Lur's tradition of genetic engineering persisted throughout the Imperial era, extending into the time of the New Republic. During the war with the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong, who were themselves skilled bioengineers, Lurrian geneticists garnered substantial attention from New Republic scientists.


The Lurrians, Lur's only native sentient species, were short, furry humanoids that evolved from non-sentient herbivores. To enhance their survival against the dangerous predators of their homeworld, they formed large family units. The scarcity of readily available resources such as wood or metal compelled Lurrian society to evolve in a unique direction. They mastered the surrounding wildlife, acquiring the ability to genetically manipulate Lur's flora and fauna through selective breeding and experimentation with herbs, roots, and natural compounds. Their expertise in genetic manipulation became the cornerstone of an advanced culture, as the Lurrians peacefully inhabited cities carved into Lur's glaciers by one of their creations, the asgnats. These subterranean networks were linked by a rudimentary hook-and-line system, as Lur's powerful winds rendered repulsorlift vehicles impractical. The Lurrians were known for their exceptionally strong family bonds and a profound love for their homeworld, which discouraged most from willingly leaving.

Behind the scenes

Lur made its debut in Han Solo's Revenge, a novel penned by Brian Daley and published in 1979. Extensive background information on the world was subsequently provided in 1993's Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook, and again in 2009's The Essential Atlas.

