Malka, a Colonel in the Imperial Navy, was a Human male. He served on Admiral Mils Giel's flagship during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Being Giel's devoted second-in-command, Malka was downgraded in rank along with Giel after a disastrous mission to transport the powerful creature known as a teezl to Coruscant, an operation ruined by Alliance sabotage. Five years later, Malka met his end on Beheboth, becoming a victim of another one of Giel's schemes.
By the year 3 ABY, Malka, a Human male, held the rank of Colonel within the Imperial Navy during the era of the Galactic Civil War, acting as the trusted right-hand man to Admiral Mils Giel. Malka stood beside Giel during the Imperial assignment to move a captured communications amplifier, the teezl, to the Imperial capital. During this operation, the armada headed by Giel's flagship came under attack from a squadron of Rebels flying enhanced TIE/LN starfighters. Although the Imperials were initially surprised, they quickly responded by using the teezl to transmit interference across all communication channels except for their own. This action prevented the Rebels from utilizing their specialized communicators for identification. However, pilot Luke Skywalker maneuvered his fighter to target Giel's capital ship, firing and disabling the vessel while also destroying the teezl. Malka reacted with panic, but Giel maintained composure and ordered a fighter squadron to capture Skywalker. Skywalker managed to escape, leading to the demotion of both Giel and Malka, who were then reassigned to Golrath Station due to their failure.

Some months later, Princess Leia Organa led a Rebel Alliance operation that sabotaged Golrath Station. This resulted in the facility's reactor core overloading and exploding. Malka, now a Sergeant, and Lieutenant Giel escaped the destruction aboard an Imperial troop transport shuttle. However, their ship sustained minor damage from the explosion, forcing them to crash-land on the nearby planet of Beheboth. Stranded on this arid world, Malka remained loyal to Giel and assisted in his plan to enslave the powerful Tirrith entities residing there. Collaborating with a Quarren scientist, they developed a condenser unit designed to contain the Tirrith creatures. After investing five years into this ultimately unsuccessful scheme, they attempted to evade local law enforcement officer Darial Anglethorn. During this escape attempt, Giel pushed Malka into the path of a blaster bolt intended for himself. The bolt struck and killed Malka, after which Giel triggered an explosion and fled Beheboth.
Malka displayed unwavering loyalty towards Mils Giel. Even after Darth Vader reduced Giel's rank, Malka persisted in addressing him as Admiral. While stationed on Beheboth, Malka cultivated a secondary interest: writing. He meticulously documented his superior officer's activities, recording everything on a datapad, with the ambition of eventually publishing Giel's memoirs as a holonovel.
Malka made appearances in two issues of the original Marvel Star Wars comic run in 1982, where he was illustrated by Walt Simonson alongside Tom Palmer. His eventual demise was detailed later in 2004, within Cory J. Herndon's Wizards of the Coast article, Beheboth: Blood and Water.