Marauder of Endor

A wanted criminal, known as the "Marauder of Endor," was a male Sanyassan that law enforcement agencies were actively pursuing. This individual, who was once acquainted with Terak, the Sanyassan warlord and King of the Marauders, appeared on a wanted poster.


The Marauder of Endor's physical appearance included a hologram of his third mother on his right forelock, shaved dimples located on both elbows, and eyebrows lined with mushrooms.

In addition to Terak, the Marauder was known to associate with s12x "Lefty" pTTt, most of the Muldoon family, Father FFKR and Morgantha Shelroon.

Having escaped the Devil's Asteroid at one point, he utilized fusion weapons and disease chambers. He had a record of at least 79 convictions and charges for felonies such as plutonic detonation, interdimensional kidnapping, star swapping, molecular mayhem, and a multitude of unpaid docking tickets, prompting authorities to advise extreme caution and recommend approaching him only with benzene applicators.

Behind the scenes

Bob Carrau wrote about the Marauder of Endor on a single-page wanted poster for the 1993 publication Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas. This book combines creature designs and photographs from various projects by George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars franchise, with original text by Carrau. Leland Chee, a Lucasfilm employee who manages the Holocron continuity database, has stated that the information within the book is considered non-canonical.


  • Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas (First mentioned)

Notes and references
