
On the planet Solay, a Human female named Mary stood as the head of the local resistance against the oppressive rule of King Blackart, working alongside Raggold. In the year 4 ABY, their world saw the arrival of Luke Skywalker, a member of the Rebel Alliance, who intervened in their struggle, aiding Mary and her resistance in overthrowing the King. With Blackart captured, Mary stepped into a leadership role within the fledgling provisional government. Notably, Mary displayed a remarkable leniency towards criminals, even extending forgiveness to King Blackart for his past transgressions.

During her collaboration with Skywalker, Mary found herself falling in love with him, a sentiment that was reciprocated by the young rebel. He contemplated abandoning his duties within the Rebel Alliance to remain with her and assist in rebuilding the government. Regrettably, the Empire, alerted to the successful rebellion by the treacherous Raggold, descended upon Solay to reclaim control. Mary tragically perished in the initial conflict, pushing Luke to the brink of succumbing to the dark side. Realizing that vengeance would tarnish Mary's memory, Luke quelled his fury and rededicated himself to the cause of the Rebel Alliance.


Solay Rebel

Back in 4 ABY, Mary found herself on the planet Solay, deeply involved as a member of a rebel faction bravely challenging the oppressive reign of King Blackart. Leading this determined group was the seasoned rebel, Raggold, who had been locked in a fierce struggle against the Solay government for an impressive five decades. As the Galactic Civil War raged on, the formidable Empire threw its weight behind King Blackart and his administration, bolstering them against the relentless rebels. However, following the pivotal Battle of Endor, which saw the demise of both Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, the Empire's support for King Blackart began to wane. Sensing a golden opportunity, the Solay rebels meticulously planned a daring assault on Blackart's throne room, with the audacious aim of capturing the tyrant and bringing an end to the protracted civil war. As their attack commenced at daybreak, the Solay rebels were joined by the esteemed Luke Skywalker, an emissary from the Rebel Alliance, who had played a crucial role in defeating the Empire at Endor. Following productive discussions with Mary and Raggold, Skywalker readily agreed to join their assault. Under Skywalker's expert leadership, the Solay rebels swiftly overcame the Solay Royal Guard and triumphantly stormed the throne room, successfully capturing Blackart.

However, in a cruel twist of fate, Raggold was struck down by a blaster shot fired from an unknown assailant at the very moment of their triumph. The Rebel leader collapsed within the throne room, suffering a fatal wound, and Mary rushed to his side, cradling him tenderly. With his last breaths, Raggold revealed to both Mary and Skywalker that his killer was a traitor lurking within their own ranks. Mary was overcome with grief at Raggold's passing, but when Skywalker expressed his determination to unmask the traitor, she vehemently opposed the idea. Mary asserted that further violence would dishonor Raggold's memory and implored Skywalker to abandon his pursuit of revenge. Skywalker heeded Mary's plea and assisted her in carrying Raggold's lifeless body to King Blackart's throne, laying the fallen rebel to rest at the very symbol of the power he had fought so hard to overthrow.

Solay leader

Mary is struck by blasterfire in the reconquest of Solay.

The victorious Solay rebels placed King Blackart in chains and divested him of his royal crown. Despite Skywalker's desire to interrogate Blackart concerning Raggold's demise, Mary firmly advocated for an end to the bloodshed, declaring to the rebels that Solay would henceforth be governed by the collective will of the people, rather than the whims of a select few. Mary's words temporarily tempered Skywalker's inclination towards action, and he consented to partake in a celebration of their hard-won victory. As Mary and Skywalker mingled among the Solay rebels, Mary expressed her vision of harnessing the planet's newfound freedom to revitalize the arts and grant its inhabitants the liberty to pursue their passions and express their thoughts without constraint. However, Skywalker remained less optimistic than Mary, cautioning her that considerable effort would be required to safeguard Solay's freedom. As Skywalker began to outline plans for establishing a new government and eradicating the vestiges of King Blackart's rule, Mary interjected, suggesting that such plans could wait, and that they should first allow themselves to revel in their accomplishment. Captivated by Mary's beauty and impressed by her courage, Skywalker acquiesced. Mary proposed that Skywalker be appointed as the representative of both the Alliance and the nascent government on Solay.

However, Skywalker's concerns proved to be well-founded, as the Solay rebels remained engrossed in their celebrations for over a week, making no tangible progress towards establishing a new government. Despite Skywalker's repeated reminders of the need for decisive action, Mary consistently managed to sway him from his resolve. Mary had developed deep feelings for Skywalker during their time together, and she sealed their connection with a kiss, which the young man reciprocated wholeheartedly. Despite Skywalker's reservations, Mary persuaded him to abandon the festivities and seek respite from the other rebels for a few precious hours. Although Skywalker felt a pang of guilt for leaving his comrades, his desire for Mary proved overwhelming, and he agreed to embark on a ship to be alone with her. With their plans in place, Mary departed to arrange for a vessel to transport them.


Mary dies in Luke Skywalker's arms.

Tragically, as Mary made her exit, the party was disrupted by the sudden arrival of a massive Imperial fleet. The Empire had arrived to crush the uprising, and the celebrating rebels were woefully unprepared for another assault. As the rebels scattered in disarray, the Imperial ships unleashed a barrage of fire upon the crowd. Mary was caught in the open, and a storm of blaster bolts struck her in the back as she desperately tried to return to Skywalker. Mary collapsed onto the street, mortally wounded, as the panicked crowd trampled over her injured body. Skywalker was forced to witness in horror as opportunistic looters pilfered jewelry from Mary's fallen form, tearing at her neck and arms. Channeling the Force, Skywalker bellowed at the crowd to disperse, and he telekinetically levitated her body towards him. As Skywalker cradled his injured love, Mary gazed up at him, her eyes filled with pain from her wounds and the loss of Solay's freedom. Despite Skywalker's desperate pleas for her to hold on, Mary's injuries were too severe, and she succumbed to death in his arms.

Skywalker was profoundly grief-stricken by Mary's passing. With Mary no longer present to restrain his thirst for vengeance, the young rebel resolved to uncover Raggold's killer. However, Skywalker's investigation revealed that Raggold himself was the traitor. In his youth, Raggold had forged an alliance with the Empire to overthrow Blackart, paving the way for the Empire to seize direct control over Solay. Upon achieving his objective, he had taken his own life, consumed by guilt over the cost of his success and knowing that the Empire would soon arrive to suppress his rebellion. Skywalker was deeply shaken by this revelation, realizing that in his pursuit of the traitor responsible for Mary's death, he had strayed perilously close to the dark side. Vowing to honor Mary's memory, Skywalker relinquished his desire for revenge and departed Solay aboard his ship.

Personality and traits

Despite her involvement in Raggold's rebellion and her desire to overthrow the tyrannical King Blackart, Mary possessed a peaceful disposition and yearned for an end to the violence on Solay. Following Blackart's defeat, she opposed any punitive measures against the tyrant, believing that too many lives had already been lost. In the aftermath of the civil war, Mary held an optimistic outlook for her world's future, envisioning a revival of the arts and granting the people the freedom to pursue their dreams. However, her naivety was challenged by Luke Skywalker, who cautioned that maintaining freedom would require unwavering dedication and struggle.

Although Mary adopted a lenient approach as a leader after King Blackart's deposition, her forgiving policies inadvertently left the rebels unprepared when the Empire unexpectedly returned to subjugate the planet. During her time with Luke Skywalker, Mary fell deeply in love with him, and as she faced the Empire's onslaught, she cried out to Skywalker, professing her love for him. Skywalker reciprocated Mary's affections and was deeply affected by her death, teetering on the brink of succumbing to the dark side as he sought to avenge her. In Mary, Skywalker believed he had found a kindred spirit, someone who was noble and unafraid to sacrifice for her cause. This realization amplified his guilt over her tragic demise.

Behind the scenes

Mary was brought to life by the creative minds of Ann Nocenti and Bret Blevins for her appearance in Marvel Comics's Star Wars (1977) 89. Mary met her end within the storyline and was never referenced again in subsequent comic issues.

