Master Jedi Vodo-Siosk Baas depended on a quarterstaff made of wood to aid his aging body. However, when battle became necessary, Master Baas would infuse his staff with the power of the Force, effectively transforming the cane into an equivalent to a lightsaber.
Back in 3997 BBY, the staff of Master Baas met its end during a training session with one of his apprentices, the Human Exar Kun. Although Baas repaired the walking stick, he temporarily ceased using it in combat. Exar Kun would later rise to become a Dark Lord of the Sith, sparking the Great Sith War and committing countless terrible deeds against the citizens of the Galactic Republic. It was at this point that Vodo-Siosk Baas decided to wield his staff once more, preparing for a confrontation with his former student, feeling responsible for the student's descent into the dark side of the Force.
The Krevaaki Jedi encountered Kun on Coruscant and engaged him in a duel. However, when the Dark Lord activated the second blade of his newly designed lightsaber, Master Baas' staff proved unable to withstand the repeated blows from Kun's weapon with two blades. The wooden staff was destroyed once more, and the powerful strike continued through, ultimately killing its wielder.

The walking staff employed by Krevaaki Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas' was essentially a wooden stick, measuring approximately one and a half meters in length. Fabric strips were wrapped around one end of the staff, serving as its head. Despite his proficiency in lightsaber construction, Baas used the staff as a substitute for a lightsaber, enhancing it with the Force to make it resistant to lightsabers. This also allowed him to transfer significant amounts of kinetic energy into targets, enabling him to shatter rocks or easily unbalance and disarm opponents.
One particularly noteworthy instance of the weapon's use occurred during a sparring match with Baas' student, Exar Kun. Following a match with his fellow student, Sylvar, Kun suddenly flew into a violent rage after the Cathar scratched his face in response to a speciesist insult he directed at her. Had Baas not intervened, Kun would have almost certainly killed her.

Fueled by arrogance, Kun challenged Baas to a sparring match, pitting his lightsaber against his master's staff. Initially, Baas maintained the advantage in their contest, disrupting Kun's balance with a well-placed strike. However, Kun was far from defeated, summoning the lightsaber of Baas' third student, Crado. Now wielding two lightsabers, Kun unleashed a barrage of fierce attacks upon his master, forcing him backward. Their contest concluded when Kun shattered Baas' staff with a forceful dual-overhand strike. Baas casually examined the two pieces of his broken staff, expressing his disappointment in Kun's use of dual-blades against his "poor stick." He acknowledged Kun as his most skilled student but cautioned him about an emptiness within his heart that could lead him to the dark side of the Force.
Kun departed from Baas' apprenticeship to seek forbidden knowledge of the dark side, assuming the title of Jedi Knight without any official basis or approval.
Baas eventually acquired a second staff to replace the broken one, but he retained the fragments of his shattered weapon. As Exar Kun initiated the Great Sith War, emerging as the new Dark Lord of the Sith, Baas viewed this conflict as his own fault, stemming from his failure to stop Kun when it mattered most. After assisting the Jedi on Coruscant in capturing Kun's apprentice, the fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma, Baas returned to Dantooine and resolved to find a way to stop Kun. Gathering the broken pieces of his staff, he repaired the weapon and returned to Coruscant to attend Qel-Droma's trial.
During the trial, the Galactic Senate sentenced Qel-Droma to death. However, before the sentence could be carried out, Exar Kun dramatically interrupted the proceedings, paralyzing the Senate with a Sith spell and assassinating Supreme Chancellor Sidrona. As Kun prepared to depart, Baas confronted him, wielding his mended staff. Both attempted to persuade the other to join their respective causes, but they failed, and Kun drew his lightsaber.

As they fought, Baas fended off his former student, constantly imploring Kun to see reason. Growing weary of his master's pleas, Kun decided to escalate their contest, activating the second blade of his weapon, revealing it to be a lightsaber with two blades. Unable to withstand this unfamiliar weapon, Baas was killed, his staff shattered once again by a brutal overhand strike.
Vodo-Siosk Baas became one with the Force, while his newly-broken staff was left behind along with his clothing.