
Mawkran, in 37 BBY, functioned as a leader for the Mantellian Savrip population residing on Ord Mantell.


On Ord Mantell, Mawkran stood as the leader of the last remaining tribe of Mantellian Savrips. For many years, he and his people engaged in a lopsided conflict against baron Taxer Sundown, who was systematically wiping them out. Sundown seized control of Ord Mantell through acts of violence and maintained his rule through intimidation. However, he also discovered the benefit of providing the oppressed Human moisture farmers with an external enemy, thereby diverting any potential aggression away from himself. Consequently, he attributed the murders carried out by his own organization to the Savrips. The farmers, convinced that they were dealing with murderous beasts and savages, began to hunt them down like animals.

Simultaneously, Sundown had entered into an agreement with Baroness Omnino of Vena, who supplied him with the mind control device he employed to govern the planet. She and the Venan aristocracy regarded the Savrips as a culinary delicacy, despite their sentient nature, and purchased them from Sundown as livestock. His soldiers would capture Savrips and deliver them to the Venans, selling them as cattle. Baron Sando, the Baroness's son, oversaw the transport of Savrips to Vena.

Having learned Basic during his youth from a trader, Mawkran was arguably the most intelligent among the remaining Savrips. He openly voiced his opposition to the persecution and injustices they endured. Despite their dramatically reduced numbers and paleolithic technology, he believed that they were still proud warriors and should fight accordingly, rather than surrender and face extinction. Through his persuasive words, he united the last of the Savrips into a single group to confront Sundown in his headquarters at the Ten Mile Plateau and either defeat him or die trying.

United in this manner, resigned to their fate but resolved to fight to the end, the Savrips launched an attack on one of Sundown's outposts. There, they also captured Nella Bold, a farmer's daughter who had been imprisoned by Sundown's mercenaries for assisting the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi in investigating the disappearance of a freighter, which ultimately led them to Omnino's slaving operation. Obi-Wan, the younger Jedi, initially wanted to confront the Savrips, a species with whom he had previously had negative experiences. However, Master Qui-Gon listened to their story, realizing the true nature of the situation. Nella and the Jedi quickly formed an alliance with the Savrips to bring an end to Sundown's atrocities.

Ultimately, Sundown met his end at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, not the Savrips, though they still considered this sufficient revenge. Shortly thereafter, the Baroness herself arrived to put a stop to this interference in her affairs. Employing a mind control device similar to Sundown's, she gained control of Mawkran, but Qui-Gon Jinn outsmarted her, leading to her death. With Sundown's criminal network dismantled and all of its organizers dead, the Savrips appeared to have achieved victory.

Nevertheless, a hastily formed militia of moisture farmers had observed the battle from a distance, mistakenly believing that the Savrips were attacking Sundown without provocation and holding Nella Bold captive. Arriving too late to engage in the battle, they approached the gathering stealthily in hover skiffs, fatally shooting Mawkran in the back with a blaster. Thus, Mawkran, the last leader of the Savrips, met his end in a tragic and unnecessary manner.


The death of Mawkran profoundly impacted all who witnessed it, including the two Jedi. Nella Bold was particularly affected, dedicating the remainder of her life to assisting the few remaining Savrips, who undoubtedly cherished Mawkran's memory. However, in the end, it was all in vain. Over time, Mawkran's tribe dwindled and scattered, eventually fading into obscurity.

