MD-0 medical droids, alternatively known as MD-0 diagnostic droids, were medical droids produced by Industrial Automaton. As members of the MD-series medical droid product line, they featured specialized diagnostic sensors integrated into their six-fingered appendages.
The MD-0 belonged to the MD-series line of medical droids that were engineered by Industrial Automaton. Reaching a height of 1.5 Imperial standard meters, the MD-0 shared design similarities with the 2-1B surgical droid, another creation of Industrial Automaton. Like other droids in the MD-series, the MD-0 featured a common body structure with its production counterparts, consisting of a torso equipped with two arms and a head unit. The bipedal lower portion of the unit was shielded by a surgical gown, protecting its vulnerable internal mechanisms. The unit's hands were highly dexterous, featuring two opposable thumbs and a network of medical diagnostic sensors that facilitated its primary function of patient diagnosis. MD-0 droids were capable of using both hands equally well, and certain models were outfitted with Cognitive Matrix analysis packages for the purpose of psychoanalysis.
As a class one droid, MD-series models typically had gray plating with green accents, along with yellow photoreceptors. These droids were easily obtainable for purchase, costing 2,000 credits. The torso also incorporated a connection port located on its lower section, enabling the droid to directly interface with a computer.
The MD-0 droids were specifically engineered to aid doctors in the process of diagnosing patients. To fulfill this purpose, they were equipped with a range of sensors, including thermometers, blood pressure gauges, x-ray scanners, magnetic resonance imagers, ultrasounders, and comp scans. They used a vocabulator to engage in questioning patients and were capable of analyzing an individual's vocal stress patterns and nonverbal communication. MD-0s would examine the patient, record their symptoms, and then compare this information to an internal medical diagnostic computer, which contained a comprehensive database of known diseases, to identify potential conditions. MD-0s possessed specialized knowledge in biology and chemistry, and were programmed to communicate fluently in Galactic Basic Standard, including speaking, reading, and writing.

The MD-0 made its debut in the early years of the Galactic Empire and quickly gained recognition as a successful modern medical droid. Manufactured at a droid factory on the world of Telti, these droids found employment with both the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic throughout the Galactic Civil War. The Empire had an MD-0 droid stationed aboard their EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, the Far Orbit. This droid was responsible for conducting initial diagnoses on patients visiting sick bay and assisted the ship's MD-5 droid during critical triage situations.
Later, the Alliance's successor government, the New Republic, utilized an MD-0 on the planet Talasea during Rogue Squadron's assignment to that world. The droid conducted post-mortem examinations on Imperial soldiers who were killed during the raid on the Alliance base in 6 ABY. These examinations aimed to uncover clues about the attackers' deployment origin. The investigation revealed that the soldiers had been exposed to Rachuk Roseola, a skin irritant exclusively found on the planet Vladet, which then prompted the Alliance to launch a retaliating strike against the Empire. An MD-0 was also in service to the New Republic on the galactic capital of Coruscant during the peak of the Krytos virus outbreak. One droid accompanied Gavin Darklighter and Asyr Sei'lar as they investigated a Gamorrean who had fallen victim to the disease.
MD-0 units continued to be in operation even during the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War.