Medd Tandar

Medd Tandar, a Cerean male, held the esteemed rank of Jedi Knight within the Jedi Order. He lived during the Golden Age of the Old Republic, dedicating his service to the Council of First Knowledge. His primary mission involved locating and retrieving any remaining Sith artifacts scattered across the galaxy in the aftermath of the destructive New Sith Wars.


Amidst the chaos of the New Sith Wars, Medd Tandar joined the ranks of the Jedi Order. He navigated the perils of the conflict, largely due to the instruction and support of Jedi Master Obba. After his time as Obba's Padawan, Tandar achieved the rank of Jedi Knight and went back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant following the conclusion of the war. As the Ruusan Reformation reshaped the Republic, the Order itself underwent significant changes. Grand Master Fae Coven advocated for codifying Jedi doctrine and returning the Order to its more traditional, monastic principles. Tandar discovered his purpose in this revitalized era of Jedi history, becoming an agent of the Council of First Knowledge, under the leadership of Caretaker Restelly Quist. He embarked on missions to recover the Sith artifacts that had survived the war.

In 980 BBY, the Council assigned Jedi Tandar to the planet Doan with the task of recovering a small collection of artifacts hidden within a tomb deep beneath the planet's surface. Sensitive to the dark side of the Force that permeated the artifacts, Tandar could sense their presence as he approached and was eager to return them to the Temple as quickly as possible. While stationed on Doan, Tandar was also tasked with mediating between the Doan Royal House and the rebellious mining caste in an attempt to avert a civil war on the planet. During negotiations held in a cavern beneath the planet's surface, Tandar met with Gelba, the representative of the caste, along with five other miners, hoping to quickly resolve the conflict so he could recover the artifacts and return to Coruscant. As the negotiations progressed, Tandar perceived a disturbance in the Force and opened himself to the broader Living Force. Sensing imminent danger for everyone present, Tandar's reaction was not fast enough to save the miners. An Iktotchi female assassin known as the Huntress launched a sudden ambush on the group, fatally shooting Gelba before killing the remaining workers.

Tandar tried again to connect with the Force with great care; he reached out and pulled the assassin's weapons from her hands using telekinesis. As she retreated, he realized, too late, that he had fallen into a trap; the power cells of the blasters had been rigged to explode. As the explosions killed him, Tandar finally grasped the true, terrifying nature of the dark side.

