Massacre on Doan

A tragic slaughter occurred on the planet Doan in the year 980 BBY. The mining caste and the planet's Royal Family experienced escalating conflict after the miners inadvertently killed Prince Gerran during an attempted capture. Consequently, Serra, Gerran's wife, fell into a state of despair, leading Lucia, her bodyguard, to contract "the Huntress", a known assassin, to eliminate Gelba, the leader of the miners'. Simultaneously, the Jedi Order dispatched Jedi Knight Medd Tandar to mediate the dispute between the Royal Family and the miners, and also to retrieve a collection of recently unearthed Sith artifacts. During a meeting between Gelba and Tandar, the Huntress launched an assault, killing the mining leader along with five accompanying miners. Using her powers, she disrupted Tandar's connection to the Force and subsequently killed him.

Fearing the Jedi might suspect the Royal Family of orchestrating Tandar's assassination, Doan's King concurred with Serra's plan to travel to the Jedi Temple and reassure them of the Royal Family's innocence. While at the Jedi Temple, Serra discovered that her father had been killed ten years previously by a Sith Lord. Around the same time, Draado, the miner who unearthed the Sith artifacts on Doan, began advocating for war against the Royal Family in response to Gelba's demise. Elsewhere, on Ciutric IV, Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Bane sent his apprentice, Darth Zannah, to look into Tandar's death.


In the years following the conclusion of the New Sith Wars, the Royal House on Doan found itself in opposition to the planet's lower-class mining caste. Gelba, a prominent figure among the miners, gave the order to capture Prince Gerran of Doan. The miners, in their attempt to force Gerran's airspeeder into an emergency landing, inadvertently caused the vehicle's destruction, resulting in his death and plunging his wife, Princess Serra, into a deep depression. Lucia, Serra's bodyguard and a member of the Doan Royal Guard, sought to alleviate Serra's despair by avenging Gerran's death. She journeyed to the space station known as Paradise, where she located "the Huntress", an Iktotchi assassin, and hired her to assassinate Gelba.

Tandar's mission

Simultaneously, the miners reached out to the Jedi Order on Coruscant, persuading them to dispatch a Jedi Knight to aid in mediating the situation on Doan. After Doan's King granted the Jedi permission to send a Knight to engage with the miners, Medd Tandar, a Cerean Jedi Knight, was assigned to facilitate negotiations between the Royal House and the mining caste. However, Tandar's primary objective was to recover several Sith artifacts recently unearthed by the miners on Doan.

Tandar convened with Gelba and five other miners, accompanied by two of Gelba's protectors and three of her chief lieutenants, at a mining facility located on Doan. During this meeting, Gelba began to enumerate a catalog of demands compiled by the mining caste. Tandar attempted to clarify that the Jedi Council lacked the authority to fulfill the miners' demands, stating that he did not possess the Senate's authorization to act. He could only negotiate with the Royal Family. Gelba revealed that the nobles refused to negotiate with the miners, but Tandar countered by pointing out that the miners were responsible for Gerran's death. Gelba then accused him of siding with the Royal Family, despite their history of imprisoning miners without due process, subjecting them to torture, and even executing those who resisted. When Tandar reiterated his limited capacity to do anything beyond negotiate, Gelba questioned the Jedi's purpose in coming at all. He disclosed to the miners that his primary reason for traveling to Doan was to acquire the Sith artifacts. Gelba expressed indignation, asserting that anything the miners unearthed rightfully belonged to them and that the Jedi prioritized artifacts over the well-being of living beings.

The massacre

The Huntress

Tandar started to reassure Gelba that he would make an effort to assist; but his response was abruptly cut short. Sensing a disturbance within the Force, the Jedi announced that someone was approaching. The Huntress suddenly appeared and fatally shot Gelba in the chest. The remaining five miners scattered, but the Iktotchi assassin swiftly shot and killed two more. Tandar ignited his lightsaber in response, but as he reached out with the Force, it felt foreign and chilling to him—like a punch to the stomach—and he staggered backward. The Huntress then directed her fire toward him, but Tandar quickly sought cover behind a nearby rock formation.

The surviving miners returned fire on the Huntress from their concealed positions, but she quickly eliminated them. As Tandar attempted once more to connect with the Force, he realized that it had been tainted with the dark side. He emerged from cover and demanded that the assassin reveal herself. Instead, the Iktotchi simply fired a shot at him from the shadows, which he barely managed to deflect. Tandar again attempted to envelop himself in the Force, but the Huntress utilized her own power to impede his ability to access the Force. He commanded that she leave the miners alone and reiterated his demand that she reveal herself. In response, the Iktotchi assassin stepped out of the shadows and informed Tandar that she had already killed the remaining miners. She then fired on Tandar again, and the Jedi narrowly avoided her shots.

Admonishing himself for his lack of finesse, Tandar called the assassin's blasters to him using the Force. To Tandar's surprise, the Iktotchi remained composed. He offered her a fair trial if she surrendered, but the Huntress countered that there would be no trial and quickly retreated. Tandar realized his error too late, as he saw that she had deceived him and overloaded the weapons' power cells. As they detonated, he attempted to shield himself with a Force shield, but the dark side continued to interfere with his powers. Unable to protect himself, the Jedi Knight was killed.


The massacre instilled fear in the King of Doan, who worried that the Jedi would suspect the Royal House of ordering Tandar's assassination. Consequently, the day after the incident, he met with Serra and agreed that she should travel to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to assure the Jedi Order that the Royal Family was not involved in the attack. Lucia later confessed to Serra that she had hired the Huntress, but Serra decided not to report her bodyguard's actions. At the Jedi Temple, Serra discovered that her father, Caleb, had been killed ten years previously by a Sith Lord. Consequently, she instructed Lucia to contact the Huntress to track down and capture Darth Bane, the Dark Lord of the Sith, whom she mistakenly believed to be her father's killer.

On Ciutric IV, Bane became aware of Tandar's death and decided to send his apprentice, Darth Zannah, to investigate, believing that anyone capable of killing a Jedi deserved their attention. He also used it as an opportunity for solitude, allowing him to embark on his own secret mission to locate the holocron of Darth Andeddu, which was rumored to contain the key to immortality.

Meanwhile, Draado, the miner on Doan who had unearthed the Sith artifacts, was corrupted by the talismans he wore. The artifacts, combined with Gelba's assassination, incited him to call for war against the Royal Family. However, he was soon killed by Set Harth, a Dark Jedi who had also journeyed to Doan in search of the artifacts.

Behind the scenes

The massacre on Doan was featured in Drew Karpyshyn's 2009 novel, Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil, the concluding book in the Darth Bane Trilogy.

