The mining caste of Doan, a significant portion of the planet's inhabitants, consisted of miners belonging to the lower class. The Doan Royal House, the governing body of the planet, found itself in opposition to this mining caste in the time after the New Sith Wars. The accidental death of Prince Gerran in 980 BBY occurred when the miners tried to make his airspeeder land unexpectedly. This event plunged his wife, Princess Serra, into a state of despair. Lucia, Serra's bodyguard, sought to alleviate Serra's depression by employing the Huntress, an Iktotchi assassin, to eliminate Gelba, a prominent figure within the mining caste. Simultaneously, the Jedi Order was contacted by the caste, requesting the dispatch of a mediator to Doan; subsequently, Medd Tandar, a Cerean Jedi Knight, was sent by the Jedi. While Tandar was in a meeting with Gelba and five other miners, the Huntress attacked, fatally shooting Gelba and the five miners, and then killing Tandar, which triggered a diplomatic crisis.