Mission to Doan

The Doan mission was executed by Darth Zannah around 980 BBY. Its purpose was to investigate the recent assassination of Jedi Knight Medd Tandar. Not long before Zannah's arrival, Dark Jedi Set Harth had journeyed to Doan searching for some newly excavated Sith artifacts. He located Quano, a Rodian bartender, and coerced him into revealing the location of Draado, the miner who unearthed the artifacts. Harth proceeded to murder the other miners present before attacking Draado, killing him and seizing the artifacts.

Arriving shortly after, Zannah inquired with the remaining miners about Tandar, discovering that someone else had been asking similar questions. Still in search of a potential apprentice before her confrontation with her Master, Darth Bane, she resolved to locate this man and assess his suitability. She located Quano, and persuaded him to introduce her to one of his associates, Pommat, a smuggler operating from a spaceport on Doan. Pommat informed her that the man in question had already departed for Nal Hutta. Furthermore, Pommat described his smuggling operation, which involved hacking into starships and concealing spice shipments, to be retrieved by his contacts upon the ship's return to its home port. When Zannah inquired whether he had hidden a shipment on her shuttle, the Victory, he denied doing so, citing the lack of contacts on Ciutric IV. Zannah immediately eliminated both Pommat and Quano, understanding that revealing her origin could jeopardize the Sith Order.

Subsequently, Zannah utilized her network of contacts to determine the man's identity: Set Harth. She then tracked Harth to his mansion on Nal Hutta, where she confronted him and recruited him as her apprentice.

