Pommat, a Human male, made his living around 980 BBY on the planet Doan as both a smuggler and a janitor. He operated out of a local spaceport, where he would secretly stash shipments of the spice glitterstim aboard the ships of unsuspecting travelers. These shipments would then be discreetly recovered by his contacts at the ships' destinations.
In the year 980 BBY, Darth Zannah embarked on a mission to Doan with the goal of uncovering the individual responsible for the murder of Jedi Knight Medd Tandar. During her time on Doan, she discovered evidence pointing to a Dark Jedi named Set Harth, who had been searching for Sith artifacts unearthed by the planet's miners. She questioned Quano, a Rodian bartender, about Harth's whereabouts. Quano, however, was unable to provide information about Harth's departure from the planet, and instead directed her to Pommat. Pommat was attracted to Zannah, though initially wary of her intentions. After a bit of flirtation from Zannah, Pommat admitted to knowing the man she sought and proceeded to describe his smuggling operation. He then charged Zannah four hundred credits, which he shared with Quano, in exchange for information about the Dark Jedi. He revealed that Harth's ship was registered to a Zun Haake, and that it originated from Nal Hutta. When Zannah inquired if he had hidden any spice on her ship, he said that he had not, as her ship was the first from Ciutric IV. Zannah then abruptly killed both him and Quano, as she could not risk them revealing the location of herself and her Master, Darth Bane.