The Victory served as a Theta-class T-1 vessel for Darth Zannah, a Sith apprentice. She utilized this shuttle on numerous journeys, notably during her initial assignment to the planet of Doan. Following the discovery and recruitment of Set Harth, a Dark Jedi, as a potential apprentice, she once again employed the Victory to travel to Doan. It was there that she confronted Darth Bane, her Master. The confrontation resulted in a stalemate, compelling Zannah to escape the planet aboard her ship. Soon after, while aboard the Victory, she received a communication from Bane, summoning her to Ambria for a final duel to determine the next Dark Lord of the Sith, a title which Zannah ultimately claimed.
A Theta-class T-1 vessel built by Cygnus Spaceworks, the Victory functioned as a shuttle. This shuttle included a hyperdrive and required a single pilot, but could accommodate at least one other passenger. A secure, private comm channel was also integrated into the shuttle's systems.
During the period after the New Sith Wars, the Victory acted as the personal shuttle for Darth Zannah, a Sith apprentice. Her base of operations was a mansion situated on the planet Ciutric IV, where she resided with her Master, Darth Bane, the Dark Lord of the Sith. While on Ciutric IV, Zannah housed the Victory at a spaceport within the capital city of Daplona. There, it was routinely serviced by Chet, a customs officer who knew Zannah and Bane under the aliases "Allia Omek" and "Sepp Omek," respectively. She utilized the shuttle for various missions, including her first mission to the planet Doan in 980 BBY at Bane's direction.

On Doan, Zannah initiated her pursuit of Set Harth, the Dark Jedi. Her investigation led her to Pommat, a smuggler who provided her with information regarding Harth. Pommat also disclosed the details of his illicit trade to Zannah: he would infiltrate the ships of unsuspecting travelers and conceal shipments of spice within them, which would then be secretly retrieved by his contacts at the ship's homeworld port. When Zannah questioned whether Pommat had placed such a shipment on the Victory, he revealed that he had not, as hers was the first ship to arrive from Ciutric IV, and he lacked connections on that planet. This prompted Zannah to kill him, as she could not afford to let him live, knowing where she and Bane resided.
Subsequently, Zannah tracked Harth to Nal Hutta, where she confronted him and successfully persuaded him to become her apprentice in anticipation of her impending confrontation with Bane. They journeyed back to Ciutric IV, Bane and Zannah's home, aboard the Victory, only to discover that her Master had been captured by the Doan Royal Guard. The pair then traveled to Doan in the vessel, where they traced Bane to the subterranean Stone Prison. Zannah instructed Harth to remain behind and guard the Victory while she entered the prison to hunt down her Master. However, Harth soon grew impatient and abandoned his post. Shortly thereafter, he located the legendary holocron of Darth Andeddu, a Sith Lord, and fled the planet in a different vessel. Meanwhile, Zannah located and confronted her Master, but Serra, the Princess of Doan, hoping to eliminate both Sith Lords, activated the prison's self-destruct mechanism. The duel ended in a stalemate, and Zannah arrived at the hangar to find that Harth had deserted her. She then swiftly escaped in the Victory to avoid the collapsing prison.
Zannah then resolved to traverse the galaxy in her shuttle in search of Bane, aiming to hunt him down and seize the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. Before long, however, she intercepted a distress signal on the Victory's private comm channel—a channel known only to her and Bane—instructing her to proceed to a hut on the planet Ambria for a final showdown. She piloted the Victory to the designated location, where she dueled and triumphed over Bane before accepting the Iktotchi Darth Cognus as her new apprentice.
Around 980 BBY, the Victory was owned and piloted by the Sith apprentice Darth Zannah. For a short duration, the Dark Jedi Set Harth accompanied Zannah aboard the Victory; however, after discovering Andeddu's holocron within the Stone Prison, he departed the planet in another ship.
The Victory made its appearance in Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil, the concluding novel of the Darth Bane Trilogy, which was released on December 8, 2009.