Theta-class T-1 vessel

The Theta-class T-1 vessel, a shuttle-type starship, was crafted by Cygnus Spaceworks circa 980 BBY. This hyperspace-capable craft, operable by a solitary crew member, stood out as one of the priciest and most opulent personal shuttles available on the market during that time. The Dark Lord of the Sith known as Darth Bane possessed and piloted one such vessel, named the Triumph; similarly, his apprentice, Darth Zannah, journeyed in her own, called the Victory.


Theta-class T-1 vessels represented the pinnacle of luxury in personal shuttles, brought to life by the manufacturing prowess of Cygnus Spaceworks. These vessels boasted a built-in hyperdrive, and while they could accommodate at least one passenger, only a single pilot was needed for operation. Further enhancing their appeal, the shuttles included a dedicated private comm channel alongside a cutting-edge navigation computer. Upon its initial release, the Theta-class T-1 held the distinction of being the costliest interplanetary shuttle available for public purchase.


Around 980 BBY, Cygnus Spaceworks unveiled the Theta-class T-1 vessel, a mere two decades after the conclusion of the New Sith Wars. These vessels quickly gained recognition as the most advanced and contemporary interplanetary shuttles procurable on the open market at their launch. By the same year, Sith Lords Darth Bane and Darth Zannah each acquired their individual Theta-class T-1 vessels, employing them across numerous missions.

Notable vessels

Darths Bane and Zannah, both of whom owned a Theta-class T-1 vessel

Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Bane personally owned and operated a Theta-class T-1 vessel, which he christened the Triumph, in 980 BBY. During this period, Bane, residing in a mansion situated on the planet Ciutric IV, housed the shuttle at a spaceport within the neighboring city of Daplona. He piloted the Triumph on a mission to the planet Prakith with the goal of retrieving the legendary holocron belonging to Darth Andeddu, from which he forcibly extracted the knowledge of essence transfer during his return voyage to Ciutric IV.

Darth Zannah also possessed her own Theta-class T-1 vessel, known as the Victory, which she utilized throughout various operations. She piloted this ship on a mission that took her to Doan, and subsequently to Nal Hutta, where she sought to enlist the Dark Jedi Set Harth as her apprentice in anticipation of challenging Bane for the mantle of Sith Mastery. Together with Harth, she returned to Ciutric IV aboard the Victory, only to discover that Bane had been captured. Subsequently, Zannah employed the Victory to travel to the prison located on Doan, where Bane was being held. While she dueled Bane within the prison, Harth made his escape from the facility using another shuttle. The Sith's duel ended inconclusively, prompting Zannah to pilot her shuttle to Ambria, where she confronted and ultimately defeated Bane in their final duel. When not in use, Zannah kept the Victory at the spaceport in Daplona, entrusted to the care of the customs officer named Chet.

Behind the scenes

The Theta-class T-1 vessel made its debut in Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil, the concluding novel of the Darth Bane Trilogy, authored by Drew Karpyshyn and published in 2009.

