
Quano existed as a male Rodian bartender whose home was the planet of Doan. The year 980 BBY saw him escort the Jedi Knight called Medd Tandar so that he could meet with the mining caste of Doan; however, an Iktotchi assassin assassinated both the Jedi and the miners. Later on, the Dark Jedi known as Set Harth coerced Quano into revealing the location of the Sith artifacts present on Doan. Upon reaching the location, Harth killed the miners present, and Quano made an escape. Soon after, the Sith apprentice, Darth Zannah, arrived on a mission to investigate the death of Tandar. She managed to convince Quano to assist her, and he took her to his friend, Pommat, who worked as a janitor and smuggler. Pommat spoke of his spice smuggling activities and disclosed his knowledge of her origin from Ciutric IV. Zannah then proceeded to kill both Quano and Pommat without hesitation, as she couldn't allow either of them to remain alive knowing where she and her Master resided.


Quano, a male Rodian bartender, made his home on the planet of Doan during the time after the New Sith Wars. In the year 980 BBY, Medd Tandar, a Jedi Knight, was dispatched to Doan to look into the presence of Sith artifacts on the planet and to try and resolve the increasing tensions between the mining caste and the Doan Royal House. He sought out Quano to ask about the whereabouts of the miners overseeing the mining operation, and Quano provided him with their location. However, during Tandar's meeting with these miners, an Iktotchi assassin launched an attack and massacre on them. Following this incident, the miners warned Quano that they would kill him if they ever saw him again.

Not long after, Set Harth, a Dark Jedi, approached Quano seeking information regarding the Sith artifacts that had previously been unearthed. Harth offered Quano credits in exchange for revealing the artifacts' location. Quano mistook Harth for a wealthy smuggler, and he signaled his bar's bodyguards to rob Harth. However, Harth eliminated the bodyguards and forced Quano to guide him to Draado, the miner responsible for unearthing the artifacts. Draado had been corrupted by the power emanating from the artifacts, prompting Harth to attack him and the other miners present. During the ensuing conflict, Quano managed to escape.

Later, Darth Zannah, a Sith apprentice, arrived on Doan with the purpose of finding out who was responsible for Tandar's death. She eventually concluded that Harth was the culprit. After confronting Quano about it, she persuaded him to take her to his friend Pommat, who worked as both a janitor and a smuggler at the local spaceport. After Pommat shared his information regarding the murderer, Zannah rewarded him and Quano with 200 credits each. Pommat also talked about his side business, which involved slicing into visitor's starships and concealing shipments of the spice glitterstim onboard. He would then contact his associate on the starship's homeworld to sell the spice. When Zannah inquired, he informed her that he hadn't stored any spice on her starship because he had never seen a ship from Ciutric IV before and had no contacts there. Zannah then used her lightsaber to kill both Quano and Pommat, knowing that she couldn't risk anyone possessing knowledge of her place of residence. To completely erase her presence on Doan, Zannah disposed of both bodies by ejecting them into Doan's sun.

Personality and traits

Quano was a bartender of modest means but with a confident demeanor, catering to the lowest ranks of the mining caste on Doan. With the backing of his bodyguards, he wasn't hesitant to exploit wealthier individuals who entered his bar, as demonstrated during Set Harth's visit. Following the massacre on Doan and his encounter with Harth, he became more cautious and fearful of others, as his recent interactions had led to misfortune. His fear and vulnerability made it easy for Darth Zannah to manipulate him, especially when credits were involved, as evidenced by her meeting with Quano and Pommat.

Behind the scenes

Drew Karpyshyn, the author, created Quano for his 2009 novel Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil. Quano's introduction and death both occur within the events of Dynasty of Evil.

