Mek Nu'Tiv functioned as a Kudon merchant. During the period of the Cold War, Nu'Tiv came into possession of an Alderaanian data archive, subsequently making arrangements to vend it to the First Order. Nu'Tiv was deceived by Han Solo, who presented himself as a First Order officer, resulting in Poe Dameron from the Resistance acquiring the archive.

Nu'Tiv successfully obtained a data archive containing remnants of the Royal Library of Alderaan, after the planet's destruction at the hands of the Galactic Empire. With the intention of selling the archive, she was contacted by representatives of the First Order, leading to a scheduled rendezvous aboard her cruiser to finalize a transaction. C-3PO's droid intelligence network uncovered the existence of the archive and Nu'Tiv's ongoing negotiations, prompting him to orchestrate a heist with the objective of the Resistance securing the archive for credits. General Leia Organa tasked Poe Dameron and Black Squadron with this mission, providing them with older ships to maintain anonymity. As Black Squadron approached Nu'Tiv's cruiser, a First Order Xi-class light shuttle arrived to meet with Nu'Tiv, who, along with her personnel, awaited to verify the authenticity of the First Order's credentials.

However, the First Order's involvement was nonexistent. The shuttle that docked on Nu'Tiv's cruiser was occupied by Han Solo and Chewbacca, who had obtained codes from the slicer Finwej, enabling them to imitate First Order personnel. Adorned in the attire of a First Order officer, Solo engaged with Nu'Tiv and her bodyguards, but Nu'Tiv identified Finwej's handiwork, exposing Solo as a fraud. In response, Chewbacca discharged his weapon, killing one of her subordinates, catching Nu'Tiv off guard as he and Solo made their escape to locate the data archive.
Concurrently with Nu'Tiv's forces pursuing Solo and Chewbacca, Black Squadron neared the cruiser. Poe utilized the ion cannons integrated into his Z-95 Headhunter to disrupt the power systems of Nu'Tiv's cruiser, disorienting both her and Solo. Misinterpreting the ion cannon fire as originating from associates of the two smugglers, Nu'Tiv directed her forces to eliminate the intruders, dispatching several of her fighters to engage Black Squadron. Poe landed his Z-95 on the cruiser, but he and BB-8 encountered Nu'Tiv, who aimed her blaster pistol at Poe, demanding clarification on his affiliation with the First Order impersonators. When Poe denied any association, Nu'Tiv resolved to punish him regardless. Before she could fire, BB-8 stunned her, causing her to collapse. With Nu'Tiv incapacitated, Solo and Chewbacca discovered the data archive, but upon examining its contents, realized that Organa and the Resistance were also in pursuit of it. The smugglers opted to relinquish the archive to the Resistance, discreetly facilitating Poe and BB-8's acquisition of it. Outside the cruiser, Black Squadron had neutralized the remaining enemy fighters, successfully escaping with the data archive and returning to the Resistance base on D'Qar.

Despite projecting an image of composure and self-possession, Nu'Tiv was prone to swift anger when her cruiser was subjected to attack. Upon ascertaining that the prospective buyers were impostors, she commanded her guards to execute them. Subsequently, when confronting Poe Dameron, who disavowed any connection to the First Order impersonators, she elected to vent her anger on him regardless. While searching Nu'Tiv's storage, Han Solo observed her meticulousness, noting her practice of organizing her possessions within storage crates.
Nu'Tiv possessed gray fur, gray eyes, and brown hair. Her facial features were accentuated by red markings.
Nu'Tiv was the proprietor of a cruiser, which served as a repository for her belongings, including the Alderaanian data archive. Additionally, she maintained a squadron of brightly colored starfighters stationed in proximity to her cruiser for potential deployment. She was armed with a NN-14 blaster pistol.
The character of Mek Nu'Tiv made her inaugural appearance in the 2018 canon comic Poe Dameron Annual 2, authored by Jody Houser and visually rendered by Andrea Broccardo.