
Kudon were a sentient species that existed within the galaxy. Kudo III, a moon, was home to some Kudon. During the time of the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems subjected a village of Kudon to slavery, forcing them to toil in a foundry producing battle droids. Jedi General Anakin Skywalker discovered this slave operation after infiltrating the foundry, and subsequently freed the Kudon. Mek Nu'Tiv worked as a Kudon trader during the Cold War era between the New Republic and the First Order.

Biology and appearance

The Kudon species exhibited several features similar to canines, such as pointed ears and long, furred snouts.

The Kudon possessed canine features.

In addition to fur, Kudon could also have hair atop their heads; some did not, while others had beards as facial hair. Their fur came in a variety of colors, including shades of gray, brown, green, or yellow, and their hair could be red or brown. Kudon had curved horns on each side of their heads, along with sharp lower teeth protruding from their mouths. Each hand featured four clawed fingers, and each foot had four toes.


A Kudon village was located on Kudo III, which is a moon orbiting Kudo. When the Clone Wars began, the Kudon chose to remain neutral and did not side with either the Galactic Republic or the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The enslaved Kudon are freed by Anakin Skywalker.

The Separatists constructed a battle droid foundry on Kudo III, using gas on the village and enslaving the inhabitants to work within. They spread false rumors about the foundry to Republic Intelligence, hoping the Republic would attack and kill the innocent Kudon, assuming they had willingly chosen to work for the Separatists. Following an attack in the Corvair sector by droids manufactured in the foundry, Admiral Wullf Yularen planned to destroy it. Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, concerned about potential civilian casualties, decided to enter the foundry alone. Upon discovering the Kudon were enslaved, he freed them, allowing them to acquire blasters and retaliate against their captors.

During the Cold War period between the New Republic and the First Order, the Kudon trader Mek Nu'Tiv obtained an Alderaanian data archive. The Resistance became aware of the archive's existence, as did the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca, though neither knew what data it contained. General Leia Organa dispatched Poe Dameron and Black Squadron to steal the archive, a mission they ultimately accomplished with the covert assistance of Solo and Chewbacca.

Behind the scenes

Kudon made their debut in the comic Poe Dameron Annual 2, which was written by Jody Houser, with illustrations by Andrea Broccardo, and released on August 29, 2018.

