Mere Tug

In the era preceding the Clone Wars by a short time, the Mere faction employed a type of spacetug known as Mere Tugs.


For propulsion, a Mere Tug was equipped with a pair of engines in addition to a hyperdrive that allowed for interstellar voyages. These tugs utilized tractor beams to manipulate and transport materials.

Historical Information

During the latter stages of a conflict over the planet of Nod Kartha, the Mere Resistance cruiser named Tritus deployed four Mere Tugs. Their mission was to retrieve four components necessary for an Orbital Defense Cannon. Despite attempts by Sabaoth Squadron to seize these parts for their own purposes, the tugs successfully returned them to the cruiser. En route to Khons, the moon of Lok where the cannon was to be installed, the Tritus experienced engine trouble. Consequently, the Mere Tugs were tasked with completing the delivery. The tugs then proceeded to install the cannon on Khons, which subsequently played a role in the liberation of Lok from the Trade Federation.

Behind the Curtains

These tugs are featured in the 2002 video game Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter in the tenth mission of the game, entitled "Tug of War." The player's task involves providing an escort for the four tugs as they recover the cannon components. Should a tug be lost, it is simply replaced.

